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<!-->[[]] is the RTG homepage.-->
== '''Research at UW-Madison in algebra''' ==
== '''Research at UW-Madison in algebra''' ==

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'''Tenured and tenure-track faculty in algebra'''
'''Tenured and tenure-track faculty in algebra'''
[ Dima Arinkin]: (Harvard, 2002) Algebraic geometry, geometric representation theory, especially geometric Langlands conjecture.

[ Eric Bach:] (Berkeley, 1984) Theoretical computer science, computational number theory, algebraic algorithms, complexity theory, cryptography, six-string automata.  (Joint appointment with CS.)
[ Eric Bach:] (Berkeley, 1984) Theoretical computer science, computational number theory, algebraic algorithms, complexity theory, cryptography, six-string automata.  (Joint appointment with CS.)
[ Nigel Boston:] (Harvard, 1987) Algebraic number theory, group theory, arithmetic geometry, computational algebra, coding theory, cryptography, and other applications of algebra to electrical engineering.  (Joint appointments with ECE and CS.)

[ Andrei Caldararu:] (Cornell, 2000) Algebraic geometry, homological algebra, string theory.
[ Andrei Caldararu:] (Cornell, 2000) Algebraic geometry, homological algebra, string theory.

[ Tullia Dymarz:] (Chicago, 2007) (arrives Fall 2011) Geometric group theory, quasi-isometric rigidity, large scale geometry of finitely generated groups, solvable groups and quasiconformal analysis.  
[ Tullia Dymarz:] (Chicago, 2007) Geometric group theory, quasi-isometric rigidity, large scale geometry of finitely generated groups, solvable groups and quasiconformal analysis. (Also in the geometry/topology group)

[ Jordan Ellenberg:] (Harvard, 1998) Arithmetic geometry and algebraic number theory, especially rational points on varieties over global fields.
[ Jordan Ellenberg:] (Harvard, 1998) Arithmetic geometry and algebraic number theory, especially rational points on varieties over global fields.

[ Shamgar Gurevich:] (Tel Aviv, 2005) Geometric representation theory, with applications to harmonic analysis, signal processing, mathematical physics, and three-dimensional structuring of molecules.
[ Shaoming Guo:] (Bonn, 2015) Harmonic analysis, analytic number theory, combinatorics, geometric measure theory, partial differential equations (also in the analysis group.)
[ Shamgar Gurevich:] (Tel Aviv, 2006) Representation theory, with applications to harmonic analysis, signal processing, mathematical physics.
[ Michael Kemeny:] (Bonn, 2015) Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, in particular the study of moduli and syzygies of algebraic varieties.

I. Martin Isaacs: (Harvard, 1964) Group theory, algebra.
[ Brian Lawrence:] (Stanford, 2017) Number theory, arithmetic geometry.

<!---[ Ken Ono]: (UCLA, 1993) (on leave 2010-11) Combinatorics and number theory involving elliptic curves, L-functions, modular forms, Maass forms, and partitions.}}}---> 
[ Hanbaek Lyu:] (Ohio State, 2018) Discrete probability, dynamical systems, networks, optimization, machine learning (also in the probability group.)
[ Donald Passman:] (Harvard, 1964) Ring theory, group theory, group rings and enveloping algebras of Lie algebras.

[ Paul Terwilliger:] (Illinois, 1982) Combinatorics, representation theory and special functions.  
[ Simon Marshall:] (Princeton, 2010) Analytic number theory (also in the analysis group.)

[ Melanie Matchett Wood:] (Princeton, 2009) Number theory and arithmetic geometry.
[ Laurentiu Maxim:] (Penn, 2005) Topology of algebraic varieties, singularities (also in the geometry/topology group.)

[ Tonghai Yang:] (Maryland, 1995) number theory, representation theory, and arithmetic geometry:  especially L-functions, Eisenstein series, theta series, Shimura varieties, intersection theory, and elliptic curves.
[ Jose Israel Rodriguez:] (Berkeley, 2014) Applied algebraic geometry and algebraic methods for statistics.

[ Amos Ron:] (Tel Aviv, 1987) Approximation theory, wavelets, Gabor systems, splines, polynomial interpolation, data representation, frames, scientific data, applications (joint appointment with CS.)

'''Postdoctoral fellows in algebra'''
[ Paul Terwilliger:] (Illinois, 1982) Algebraic combinatorics, representation theory, Lie algebras, quantum groups, special functions.

<!--[ David Brown:] (Berkeley, 2010) Number theory and arithmetic geometry, especially: p-adic cohomology, arithmetic of varieties, stacks, moduli, Galois representations, non-abelian techniques.
[ Botong Wang:] (Purdue, 2012) Complex algebraic geometry, algebraic statistics and combinatorics. (Also in the geometry/topology group)

[ Bryden Cais:] (Michigan, 2007) Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, with a strong number theory bias.-->
[ Tonghai Yang:] (Maryland, 1995) number theory, representation theory, and arithmetic geometry:  especially L-functions, Eisenstein series, theta series, Shimura varieties, intersection theory, and elliptic curves.

[ Matthew Ballard:] (U Washington, 2008) Homological mirror symmetry.
<!--[ Nigel Boston:] (Harvard, 1987) Algebraic number theory, group theory, arithmetic geometry, computational algebra, coding theory, cryptography, and other applications of algebra to electrical engineering.  (Joint appointments with ECE and CS.)
[ Daniel Erman:] (Berkeley, 2010) Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
[ Steven Sam:] (MIT, 2012) Commutative algebra, invariant theory, algebraic combinatorics
[ Melanie Matchett Wood:] (Princeton, 2009) Number theory and arithmetic geometry.-->

Robert Harron: (Princeton, 2009):  Algebraic number theory, Iwasawa theory, p-adic Galois representations and automorphic forms.
'''Postdoctoral fellows in algebra'''
<!--[ David Brown:] (Berkeley, 2010) Number theory and arithmetic geometry, especially: p-adic cohomology, arithmetic of varieties, stacks, moduli, Galois representations, non-abelian techniques.
[ Bryden Cais:] (Michigan, 2007) Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, with a strong number theory bias.
[ Matthew Ballard:] (U Washington, 2008) Homological mirror symmetry.
[ Robert Harron:] (Princeton, 2009):  Algebraic number theory, Iwasawa theory, p-adic Galois representations and automorphic forms.
[ Zev Klagsbrun:] (UC-Irvine, 2011): Algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry.
Parker Lowrey: (University of Texas-Austin, 2010) Algebraic geometry and algebraic topology
[ Sean Rostami:] (University of Maryland, 2012): representation theory of algebraic groups, local models of Shimura varieties
[ Owen Sizemore:] (UCLA, 2012) Operator Algebras, Orbit Equivalence Ergodic Theory, Measure Equivalence Rigidity of Groups
[ Robert Grizzard:] (U Texas, 2014) Algebraic number theory, diophantine geometry, heights
[ Michael Brown:] (Nebraska, 2015) K-theory, commutative algebra, (noncommutative) algebraic geometry.
[ Alexandra Kjuchukova:] (Penn, 2015) Topology of algebraic varieties, branched covers
[ Daniel Corey:] (Yale, 2018) Tropical geometry
[ Alexander Pavlov:] (U Toronto, 2015) Commutative algebra, algebraic geometry
[ Mark Shusterman:] (Tel Aviv, 2019) Number theory and group theory
[ Botong Wang:] (Purdue, 2012) Topology of algebraic varieties, topological methods in statistics
[ John Wiltshire-Gordon:] (Michigan, 2016) Algebra, topology and combinatorics, especially: representation theory of categories
[ Boya Wen:] (Princeton, 2021) Number theory and arithmetic geometry.
[ Ziquan Yang] (Harvard, 2021) Number theory and arithmetic geometry.
[ Naser T. Sardari:] (Princeton, 2016) Number theory, especially: quadratic forms, automorphic forms, locally symmetric spaces
[ Aleksandra (Ola) Sobieska:] (Texas A&M University, 2020) Commutative algebra, combinatorics

Zev Klagsbrun: (UC-Irvine, 2011): Algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry.
[ Joshua Mundinger:] (Chicago, 2023) Representation theory, algebraic geometry, arithmetic geometry.

[ Sukhendu Mehrotra:] (Penn, 2005) Algebraic geometry, homological algebra and string theory,
[ Thomas Yahl] (Texas A&M, 2023) Algebraic geometry, applied algebra.
specifically, derived categories of coherent sheaves on algebraic varieties.

'''Seminars in algebra'''
'''Seminars in algebra'''
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The weekly schedule at UW features many seminars in the algebraic research areas of the faculty.
The weekly schedule at UW features many seminars in the algebraic research areas of the faculty.

[ Algebraic Geometry Seminar] (Fridays at 2:30)
[ Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar] (Fridays at 2:30)
<!--[ Algebraic Geometry Seminar] (Fridays at 2:30)-->
[ Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar] (Wednesdays at 4:00)
[ Applied Algebra Seminar]  (Thursdays)

[ Combinatorics Seminar] (Mondays at 2:25)
[ Combinatorics Seminar] (Mondays at 2:25)
<!--Lie Theory Seminar (Mondays at 1:20 in VV901)-->
[ Group Theory Seminar] (Mondays at 3:30)
<!--[ Group Theory Seminar (mostly local speakers)] (Tuesdays at 4:00)-->

[ Number Theory Seminar (outside speakers)](Thursdays at 2:30)
[ Number Theory Seminar (outside speakers)](Thursdays at 2:30)

[ Number Theory Seminar (grad student speakers)] (Tuesdays at 2:30)
[ Number Theory Seminar (grad student speakers)] (Tuesdays at 2:30)
[ SILO (Systems, Information, Learning and Optimization)] (Wednesdays at 12:30)
[ Online Social Chit-Chats] (various times)

'''Upcoming conferences in algebra held at UW'''
'''Upcoming conferences in algebra held at UW'''

Applied Algebra Days, October 21-23 2011

Graduate student conference in number theory, Fall 2011
'''Previous conferences in algebra held at UW'''
[ Algebra and Topology over Global Fields], October 2022.
[ Madison Moduli Weekend], September 2020.
[ ANTS XIII] (Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium), July 2018
[ Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves], April 2018
[ Singularities in the Midwest V], March 2018
[ Singularities in the Midwest IV], March 2017
[ Applied Algebra Days 3], May 2016
[ Upper midwest commutative algebra colloquium], November 2015

'''Previous conferences in algebra held at UW'''
[ Stratified spaces in geometric and computational topology and physics (Shaneson 70)], March 2015
[ Applied Algebra Days 2], May 2014
[ Group Theory, Number Theory, and Topology Day], January 2013
[ Mirror Symmetry in the Midwest], November 2012
[ Midwest Algebraic Geometry Graduate Conference], November 2012
[ Applied Algebra Days], October 2011
[ Midwest Number Theory Conference for Graduate Students], November 2011

[ RTG Graduate Student Workshop in Algebraic Geometry], October 2010
[ RTG Graduate Student Workshop in Algebraic Geometry], October 2010
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[ Pro-p groups and pro-p algebras in number theory], April 2007
[ Pro-p groups and pro-p algebras in number theory], April 2007

'''Graduate study at UW-Madison in algebra'''
'''Graduate study at UW-Madison in algebra'''

Algebra is among the most popular specializations for UW Ph.D. students.  Regularly offered courses include a four-semester sequence in number theory; a two-semester sequence in algebraic geometry; homological algebra; representation theory; advanced topics in group theory.  We also regularly offer more advanced topics courses, which in recent years have included the Gross-Zagier formula, classification of algebraic surfaces, and p-adic Hodge theory.  Here is [ a list of this fall's graduate courses].
Algebra is among the most popular specializations for UW Ph.D. students.  Regularly offered courses include a four-semester sequence in number theory; a two-semester sequence in algebraic geometry; homological algebra; representation theory; advanced topics in group theory.  We also regularly offer more advanced topics courses, which in recent years have included the Gross-Zagier formula, classification of algebraic surfaces, and p-adic Hodge theory.   
<!-->Here is [ a list of this fall's graduate courses].-->
<!--The department holds an [ NSF-RTG grant in number theory and algebraic geometry], which funds several research assistantships for graduate students (U.S. citizens and permanent residents) working in those areas.-->
Recent Ph.D. graduates from the group have been very successful on the job market; in the last few years, we have sent alumni to postdoctoral fellowships at Berkeley, Harvard, Chicago, Michigan, Penn, Imperial (UK), MIT, Princeton, Stanford, University of Cologne(Germany), Max Planck Institut, and UT-Austin, to tenure-track jobs at Georgia, Washington U., UIUC, Dartmouth, Bowdoin, Leiden, Oregon, Wake Forest, Bogacizi (Turkey), Chennai Mathematical Institute (India), Reed College, Portland State U., the University of Sheffield (UK), the University of Missouri, and the University of South Carolina, and to non-academic positions at places such as Google, Two Sigma, Robart GMBH, Microsoft, Credit Suisse and the Center for Communications Research, La Jolla.
'''Emeritus faculty in algebra'''
Steven Bauman
Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1962)
Research: Finite group theory
Michael Bleicher
Professor, Ph.D. Tulane University and University of Warsaw (1961)
Research: Number theory and convex geometry
Richard A. Brualdi
Beckwith Bascom Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. Syracuse University (1964)
Research: Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Matrix Theory, Coding Theory
I. Martin Isaacs
Professor, Ph.D. Harvard University (1964)
Research: Group Theory, Algebra
J. Marshall Osborn
Professor, Ph.D. University of Chicago (1957)
Research: Non-associative rings and Lie algebras
Donald Passman
Richard Brauer Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. Harvard University (1964)
Research: Associative Rings and Algebras, Group Theory

The department holds an [ NSF-RTG grant in number theory and algebraic geometry], which funds several research assistantships for graduate students (U.S. citizens and permanent residents) working in those areas.
[ Louis Solomon]  
Professor, Ph.D. Harvard University (1958)
Research: Finite group theory and hyperplane arrangements

Recent Ph.D. graduates from the group have been very successful on the job market; in the last few years, we have sent alumni to postdoctoral fellowships at Berkeley, Harvard, Imperial (UK), MIT, Princeton, Stanford, University of Cologne(Germany),  and UT-Austin, to tenure-track jobs at McGill, Wake Forest, Bucknell, the University of New Mexico, and the University of South Carolina, and to non-academic positions at places such as Credit Suisse and the Center for Communications Research, La Jolla.
Robert Wilson
Professor, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison (1969)  
Research: Algebra, Math. Education.

Latest revision as of 19:00, 16 September 2024

Research at UW-Madison in algebra

UW-Madison offers a large, active, and varied research group in algebra, including researchers in number theory, combinatorics, group theory, algebraic geometry, representation theory, and algebra with applications to science and engineering.

Tenured and tenure-track faculty in algebra

Dima Arinkin: (Harvard, 2002) Algebraic geometry, geometric representation theory, especially geometric Langlands conjecture.

Eric Bach: (Berkeley, 1984) Theoretical computer science, computational number theory, algebraic algorithms, complexity theory, cryptography, six-string automata. (Joint appointment with CS.)

Andrei Caldararu: (Cornell, 2000) Algebraic geometry, homological algebra, string theory.

Tullia Dymarz: (Chicago, 2007) Geometric group theory, quasi-isometric rigidity, large scale geometry of finitely generated groups, solvable groups and quasiconformal analysis. (Also in the geometry/topology group)

Jordan Ellenberg: (Harvard, 1998) Arithmetic geometry and algebraic number theory, especially rational points on varieties over global fields.

Shaoming Guo: (Bonn, 2015) Harmonic analysis, analytic number theory, combinatorics, geometric measure theory, partial differential equations (also in the analysis group.)

Shamgar Gurevich: (Tel Aviv, 2006) Representation theory, with applications to harmonic analysis, signal processing, mathematical physics.

Michael Kemeny: (Bonn, 2015) Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, in particular the study of moduli and syzygies of algebraic varieties.

Brian Lawrence: (Stanford, 2017) Number theory, arithmetic geometry.

Hanbaek Lyu: (Ohio State, 2018) Discrete probability, dynamical systems, networks, optimization, machine learning (also in the probability group.)

Simon Marshall: (Princeton, 2010) Analytic number theory (also in the analysis group.)

Laurentiu Maxim: (Penn, 2005) Topology of algebraic varieties, singularities (also in the geometry/topology group.)

Jose Israel Rodriguez: (Berkeley, 2014) Applied algebraic geometry and algebraic methods for statistics.

Amos Ron: (Tel Aviv, 1987) Approximation theory, wavelets, Gabor systems, splines, polynomial interpolation, data representation, frames, scientific data, applications (joint appointment with CS.)

Paul Terwilliger: (Illinois, 1982) Algebraic combinatorics, representation theory, Lie algebras, quantum groups, special functions.

Botong Wang: (Purdue, 2012) Complex algebraic geometry, algebraic statistics and combinatorics. (Also in the geometry/topology group)

Tonghai Yang: (Maryland, 1995) number theory, representation theory, and arithmetic geometry: especially L-functions, Eisenstein series, theta series, Shimura varieties, intersection theory, and elliptic curves.

Postdoctoral fellows in algebra

Joshua Mundinger: (Chicago, 2023) Representation theory, algebraic geometry, arithmetic geometry.

Thomas Yahl (Texas A&M, 2023) Algebraic geometry, applied algebra.

Seminars in algebra

The weekly schedule at UW features many seminars in the algebraic research areas of the faculty.

Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Fridays at 2:30)

Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Wednesdays at 4:00)

Applied Algebra Seminar (Thursdays)

Combinatorics Seminar (Mondays at 2:25)

Number Theory Seminar (outside speakers)(Thursdays at 2:30)

Number Theory Seminar (grad student speakers) (Tuesdays at 2:30)

SILO (Systems, Information, Learning and Optimization) (Wednesdays at 12:30)

Online Social Chit-Chats (various times)

Upcoming conferences in algebra held at UW

Previous conferences in algebra held at UW

Algebra and Topology over Global Fields, October 2022.

Madison Moduli Weekend, September 2020.

ANTS XIII (Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium), July 2018

Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves, April 2018

Singularities in the Midwest V, March 2018

Singularities in the Midwest IV, March 2017

Applied Algebra Days 3, May 2016

Upper midwest commutative algebra colloquium, November 2015

Stratified spaces in geometric and computational topology and physics (Shaneson 70), March 2015

Applied Algebra Days 2, May 2014

Group Theory, Number Theory, and Topology Day, January 2013

Mirror Symmetry in the Midwest, November 2012

Midwest Algebraic Geometry Graduate Conference, November 2012

Applied Algebra Days, October 2011

Midwest Number Theory Conference for Graduate Students, November 2011

RTG Graduate Student Workshop in Algebraic Geometry, October 2010

Workshop on Pseudo-Anosovs with Small Dilatation, April 2010

Singularities in the Midwest, March 2010

RTG Midwest Graduate Student Conference in Number Theory, November 2009

Midwest Number Theory Day, November 2009

Miniconference on pro-p groups in number theory, April 2008

Pro-p groups and pro-p algebras in number theory, April 2007

Graduate study at UW-Madison in algebra

Algebra is among the most popular specializations for UW Ph.D. students. Regularly offered courses include a four-semester sequence in number theory; a two-semester sequence in algebraic geometry; homological algebra; representation theory; advanced topics in group theory. We also regularly offer more advanced topics courses, which in recent years have included the Gross-Zagier formula, classification of algebraic surfaces, and p-adic Hodge theory.

Recent Ph.D. graduates from the group have been very successful on the job market; in the last few years, we have sent alumni to postdoctoral fellowships at Berkeley, Harvard, Chicago, Michigan, Penn, Imperial (UK), MIT, Princeton, Stanford, University of Cologne(Germany), Max Planck Institut, and UT-Austin, to tenure-track jobs at Georgia, Washington U., UIUC, Dartmouth, Bowdoin, Leiden, Oregon, Wake Forest, Bogacizi (Turkey), Chennai Mathematical Institute (India), Reed College, Portland State U., the University of Sheffield (UK), the University of Missouri, and the University of South Carolina, and to non-academic positions at places such as Google, Two Sigma, Robart GMBH, Microsoft, Credit Suisse and the Center for Communications Research, La Jolla.

Emeritus faculty in algebra

Steven Bauman Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1962) Research: Finite group theory

Michael Bleicher Professor, Ph.D. Tulane University and University of Warsaw (1961) Research: Number theory and convex geometry

Richard A. Brualdi Beckwith Bascom Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. Syracuse University (1964) Research: Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Matrix Theory, Coding Theory

I. Martin Isaacs Professor, Ph.D. Harvard University (1964) Research: Group Theory, Algebra

J. Marshall Osborn Professor, Ph.D. University of Chicago (1957) Research: Non-associative rings and Lie algebras

Donald Passman Richard Brauer Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. Harvard University (1964) Research: Associative Rings and Algebras, Group Theory

Louis Solomon Professor, Ph.D. Harvard University (1958) Research: Finite group theory and hyperplane arrangements

Robert Wilson Professor, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison (1969) Research: Algebra, Math. Education.