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In 2022-2023, our colloquia will be in-person talks in B239 unless otherwise stated.

==September 9 , 2022, Friday at 4pm  [ Jing Tao] (University of Oklahoma)==
<b>UW-Madison Mathematics Colloquium is on Fridays at 4:00 pm in Van Vleck B239 unless otherwise noted.</b>
(host: Dymarz, Uyanik, WIMAW)

'''On surface homeomorphisms'''
Contacts for the colloquium are Michael Kemeny (spring) and Dallas Albritton (fall).

In the 1970s, Thurston generalized the classification of self-maps of the torus to surfaces of higher genus, thus completing the work initiated by Nielsen. This is known as the Nielsen-Thurston Classification Theorem. Over the years, many alternative proofs have been obtained, using different aspects of surface theory. In this talk, I will overview the classical theory and sketch the ideas of a new proof, one that offers new insights into the hyperbolic geometry of surfaces. This is joint work with Camille Horbez.
Everyone in the math department is subscribed to the mailing list.
==September 23, 2022, Friday at 4pm  [ Pablo Shmerkin] (University of British Columbia) ==
(host: Guo, Seeger)

'''Incidences and line counting: from the discrete to the fractal setting'''
==This Semester's Colloquia==

How many lines are spanned by a set of planar points?. If the points are collinear, then the answer is clearly "one". If they are not collinear, however, several different answers exist when sets are finite and "how many" is measured by cardinality. I will discuss a bit of the history of this problem and present a recent extension to the continuum setting, obtained in collaboration with T. Orponen and H. Wang. No specialized background will be assumed.
[[Colloquia/Spring 2025|Spring 2025]]

==September 30, 2022, Friday at 4pm [ Alejandra Quintos] (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Statistics) ==
==Future Colloquia==
(host: Stovall)

'''Dependent Stopping Times and an Application to Credit Risk Theory'''
[[Colloquia/Fall2025 | Fall 2025]]

Stopping times are used in applications to model random arrivals. A standard assumption in many models is that the stopping times are conditionally independent, given an underlying filtration. This is a widely useful assumption, but there are circumstances where it seems to be unnecessarily strong. In the first part of the talk, we use a modified Cox construction, along with the bivariate exponential introduced by Marshall & Olkin (1967), to create a family of stopping times, which are not necessarily conditionally independent, allowing for a positive probability for them to be equal. We also present a series of results exploring the special properties of this construction.
==Past Colloquia ==

In the second part of the talk, we present an application of our model to Credit Risk. We characterize the probability of a market failure which is defined as the default of two or more globally systemically important banks (G-SIBs) in a small interval of time. The default probabilities of the G-SIBs are correlated through the possible existence of a market-wide stress event. We derive various theorems related to market failure probabilities, such as the probability of a catastrophic market failure, the impact of increasing the number of G-SIBs in an economy, and the impact of changing the initial conditions of the economy's state variables. We also show that if there are too many G-SIBs, a market failure is inevitable, i.e., the probability of a market failure tends to one as the number of G-SIBs tends to infinity.
[[Colloquia/Fall 2024|Fall 2024]]
==October 7, 2022, Friday at 4pm  [ Daniel Litt] (University of Toronto)==
(host: Ananth Shankar)

'''The search for special symmetries'''
[[Colloquia/Spring2024|Spring 2024]]

What are the canonical sets of symmetries of n-dimensional space? I'll describe the history of this question, going back to Schwarz, Fuchs, Painlevé, and others, and some new answers to it, obtained jointly with Aaron Landesman. While our results rely on low-dimensional topology, Hodge theory, and the Langlands program, and we'll get a peek into how these areas come into play, no knowledge of them will be assumed.
[[Colloquia/Fall 2023|Fall 2023]]

==October 14, 2022, Friday at 4pm  [ Andrew Sageman-Furnas] (North Carolina State)==
[[Colloquia/Spring2023|Spring 2023]]
(host: Mari-Beffa)
'''Constructing isometric tori with the same curvatures'''
Which data determine an immersed surface in Euclidean three-space up to rigid motion? A generic surface is locally determined by only an intrinsic metric and extrinsic mean curvature function. However, there are exceptions. These may arise in a family like the isometric family of vanishing mean curvature surfaces transforming a catenoid into a helicoid.
For compact surfaces, Lawson and Tribuzy proved in 1981 that a metric and non-constant mean curvature function determine at most one immersion with genus zero, but at most two compact immersions (compact Bonnet pairs) for higher genus. In this talk, we discuss our recent construction of the first examples of compact Bonnet pairs. It uses a local classification by Kamberov, Pedit, and Pinkall in terms of isothermic surfaces. Moreover, we describe how a structure-preserving discrete theory for isothermic surfaces and Bonnet pairs led to this discovery.
The smooth theory is joint work with Alexander Bobenko and Tim Hoffmann and the discrete theory is joint work with Tim Hoffmann and Max Wardetzky.
== October 20, 2022, Thursday at 4pm, VV911  [ Simon Tavaré] (Columbia University) ==
(host: Kurtz, Roch)
''Note the unusual time and room!''
'''An introduction to counts-of-counts data'''
Counts-of-counts data arise in many areas of biology and medicine, and have been studied by statisticians since the 1940s. One of the first examples, discussed by R. A. Fisher and collaborators in 1943 [1], concerns estimation of the number of unobserved species based on summary counts of the number of species observed once, twice, … in a sample of specimens. The data are summarized by the numbers ''C<sub>1</sub>, C<sub>2</sub>, …'' of species represented once, twice, … in a sample of size
''N = C<sub>1</sub> + 2 C<sub>2</sub> + 3 C<sub>3</sub> + <sup>….</sup>''  containing ''S = C<sub>1</sub> + C<sub>2</sub> + <sup>…</sup>'' species; the vector ''C ='' ''(C<sub>1</sub>, C<sub>2</sub>, …)'' gives the counts-of-counts. Other examples include the frequencies of the distinct alleles in a human genetics sample, the counts of distinct variants of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein obtained from consensus sequencing experiments, counts of sizes of components in certain combinatorial structures [2], and counts of the numbers of SNVs arising in one cell, two cells, … in a cancer sequencing experiment.
In this talk I will outline some of the stochastic models used to model the distribution of ''C,'' and some of the inferential issues that come from estimating the parameters of these models. I will touch on the celebrated Ewens Sampling Formula [3] and Fisher’s multiple sampling problem concerning the variance expected between values of ''S'' in samples taken from the same population [3]. Variants of birth-death-immigration processes can be used, for example when different variants grow at different rates. Some of these models are mechanistic in spirit, others more statistical. For example, a non-mechanistic model is useful for describing the arrival of covid sequences at a database. Sequences arrive one at a time, and are either a new variant, or a copy of a variant that has appeared before. The classical Yule process with immigration provides a starting point to model this process, as I will illustrate.
[1] Fisher RA, Corbet AS & Williams CB. J Animal Ecology, 12, 1943
[2] Arratia R, Barbour AD & Tavaré S. ''Logarithmic Combinatorial Structures,'' EMS, 2002
[3] Ewens WJ. Theoret Popul Biol, 3, 1972
[4] Da Silva P, Jamshidpey A, McCullagh P & Tavaré S. Bernoulli Journal, in press, 2022 (online)
==October 21, 2022, Friday at 4pm  [ Ngoc Mai Tran] (Texas)==
(host: Rodriguez)
'''Forecast science, learn hidden networks and settle economics conjectures with combinatorics, geometry and probability.'''
In many problems, one observes noisy data coming from a hidden or complex combinatorial structure. My research aims to understand and exploit such structures to arrive at an efficient and optimal solution. I will showcase a few successes, achieved with different tools, from different different fields: networks forecasting, hydrology, and auction theory. Then I will outline some open questions in each field.
==October 28, 2022, Friday at 4pm  [ Qin Li] (UW)==
'''Multiscale inverse problem, from Schroedinger to Newton to Boltzmann'''
Inverse problems are ubiquitous. We probe the media with sources and measure the outputs, to infer the media information. At the scale of quantum, classical, statistical and fluid, we face inverse Schroedinger, inverse Newton’s second law, inverse Boltzmann problem, and inverse diffusion respectively. The universe, however, expects a universal mathematical description, as Hilbert proposed in 1900. In this talk, we discuss the connection between these problems. We will give arguments for justifying that these are the same problem merely represented at different scales. It is a light-hearted talk, and I will mostly focus on the story instead of the derivation. PDE background is appreciated but not necessary.
== November 7, 2022, Monday at 4pm [ Kristen Lauter] (Facebook) ==
Distinguished lectures
(host: Yang).
'''Private AI: Machine Learning on Encrypted Data'''
As the world adopts Artificial Intelligence, the privacy risks are many. AI can improve our lives, but may leak our private data. Private AI is based on Homomorphic Encryption (HE), a new encryption paradigm which allows the cloud to operate on private data in encrypted form, without ever decrypting it, enabling private training and private prediction. Our 2016 ICML CryptoNets paper showed for the first time that it was possible to evaluate neural nets on homomorphically encrypted data, and opened new research directions combining machine learning and cryptography. The security of Homomorphic Encryption is based on hard problems in mathematics involving lattices, recently standardized by NIST for post-quantum cryptography. This talk will explain Homomorphic Encryption, Private AI, and explain HE in action.
== November 8, 2022, Tuesday at 4pm [ Kristen Lauter] (Facebook) ==
Distinguished lectures in VV911. ''Note: unusual room.''
(host: Yang).
'''Artificial Intelligence & Cryptography: Privacy and Security in the AI era'''
How is Artificial Intelligence changing your life and the world?  How do you expect your data to be kept secure and private in the future?  Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the science of utilizing data to formulate mathematical models that predict outcomes with high assurance. Such predictions can be used to make decisions automatically or give recommendations with high confidence. Cryptography is the science of protecting the privacy and security of data.  This talk will explain the dynamic relationship between cryptography and AI and how AI can be used to attack post-quantum cryptosystems.
The first talk is based on my 2019 ICIAM Plenary Lecture and the second one is based on my 2022 SIAM Block Prize Lecture.
== November 11, 2022, Friday at 4pm [ Joel Tropp] (Caltech)==
This is the Annual LAA lecture. See [ this] for its history.
(host: Qin, Jordan)
'''Rocket-propelled Cholesky: Addressing the challenges of large-scale kernel computations'''
Kernel methods are used for prediction and clustering in many data science and scientific computing applications, but applying kernel methods to a large number of data points N is expensive due to the high cost of manipulating the N x N kernel matrix. A basic approach for speeding up kernel computations is low-rank approximation, in which we replace the kernel matrix A with a factorized approximation that can be stored and manipulated more cheaply. When the kernel matrix A has rapidly decaying eigenvalues, mathematical existence proofs guarantee that A can be accurately approximated using a constant number of columns (without ever looking at the full matrix). Nevertheless, for a long time designing a practical and provably justified algorithm to select the appropriate columns proved challenging.
Recently, we introduced RPCholesky ("randomly pivoted" or "rocket-propelled" Cholesky), a natural algorithm for approximating an N x N positive semidefinite matrix using k adaptively sampled columns. RPCholesky can be implemented with just a few lines of code; it requires only (k+1)N entry evaluations and O(k^2 N) additional arithmetic operations. In experiments, RPCholesky matches or improves on the performance of alternative algorithms for low-rank psd approximation. Moreover, RPCholesky provably achieves near-optimal approximation guarantees. The simplicity, effectiveness, and robustness of this algorithm strongly support its use for large-scale kernel computations.
Joint work with Yifan Chen, Ethan Epperly, and Rob Webber. Available at arXiv:2207.06503.
==November 18, 2022, Friday at 4pm  [TBD]==
(reserved by HC. contact: Stechmann)
==December 2, 2022, Friday at 4pm  [TBD]==
(reserved by HC. contact: Stechmann)
==December 9, 2022, Friday at 4pm  [TBD]==
(reserved by HC. contact: Stechmann)
== Future Colloquia ==

[[Colloquia/Fall2022|Fall 2022]]
[[Colloquia/Fall2022|Fall 2022]]

[[Colloquia/Spring2023|Spring 2023]]
== Past Colloquia ==
[[Spring 2022 Colloquiums|Spring 2022]]
[[Spring 2022 Colloquiums|Spring 2022]]

Latest revision as of 15:35, 24 January 2025

UW-Madison Mathematics Colloquium is on Fridays at 4:00 pm in Van Vleck B239 unless otherwise noted.

Contacts for the colloquium are Michael Kemeny (spring) and Dallas Albritton (fall).

Everyone in the math department is subscribed to the mailing list.

This Semester's Colloquia

Spring 2025

Future Colloquia

Fall 2025

Past Colloquia

Fall 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

Spring 2019

Fall 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Spring 2017

Fall 2016

Spring 2016

Fall 2015

Spring 2015

Fall 2014

Spring 2014

Fall 2013

Spring 2013

Fall 2012