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<b>UW Madison mathematics Colloquium is on Fridays at 4:00 pm. </b>
<b>UW-Madison Mathematics Colloquium is on Fridays at 4:00 pm in Van Vleck B239 unless otherwise noted.</b>

<!--- in Van Vleck B239, '''unless otherwise indicated'''. --->
Contacts for the colloquium are Michael Kemeny (spring) and Dallas Albritton (fall).

Everyone in the math department is subscribed to the mailing list.

== February 3, 2023, Friday at 4pm [ Facundo Mémoli] (Ohio State University) ==
==This Semester's Colloquia==
(host: Lyu)

The Gromov-Hausdorff distance between spheres.
[[Colloquia/Spring 2025|Spring 2025]]

The Gromov-Hausdorff distance is a fundamental tool in Riemanian geometry (through the topology it generates) and is also utilized in applied geometry and topological data analysis as a metric for expressing the stability of methods which process geometric data (e.g. hierarchical clustering and persistent homology barcodes via the Vietoris-Rips filtration). In fact, distances such as the Gromov-Hausdorff distance or its Optimal Transport variants (i.e. the so-called Gromov-Wasserstein distances) are nowadays often invoked in applications related to data classification.
==Future Colloquia==

Whereas it is often easy to estimate the value of the Gromov-Hausdorff distance between two given metric spaces, its ''precise'' value is rarely easy to determine. Some of the best estimates follow from considerations related to both the stability of persistent homology and to Gromov's filling radius. However, these turn out to be non-sharp.
[[Colloquia/Fall2025 | Fall 2025]]

In this talk, I will describe these estimates and also results which permit calculating the precise value of the Gromov-Hausdorff between pairs of spheres (endowed with their usual geodesic distance). These results involve lower bounds which arise from a certain version of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem that is applicable to discontinuous maps, and also matching upper bounds which are induced from specialized constructions of (a posteriori optimal) ``correspondences" between spheres.
==Past Colloquia ==

== February 24, 2023, Cancelled/available ==
[[Colloquia/Fall 2024|Fall 2024]]
== March 3, 2023, Friday at 4pm [ Stefan Steinerberger] (University of Washington) ==

Title: How curved is a combinatorial graph?
[[Colloquia/Spring2024|Spring 2024]]

Abstract:   Curvature is one of the fundamental ingredients in differential geometry. People are increasingly interested in whether it is possible to think of combinatorial graphs as behaving like manifolds and a number of different notions of curvature have been proposed.  I will introduce some of the existing ideas and then propose a new notion based on a simple and explicit linear system of equations that is easy to compute. This notion satisfies a surprisingly large number of desirable properties -- connections to game theory (especially the von Neumann Minimax Theorem) and potential theory will be sketched; simultaneously, there is a certain "magic" element to all of this that is poorly understood and many open problems remain. I will also sketch some curious related problems that remain mostly open.  No prior knowledge of differential geometry (or graphs) is required.
[[Colloquia/Fall 2023|Fall 2023]]

(hosts: Shaoming Guo, Andreas Seeger)
[[Colloquia/Spring2023|Spring 2023]]
== March 8, 2023, Wednesday at 4pm [ Yair Minsky]  (Yale University) ==
'''''Distinguished lectures'''''
Title:  Surfaces and foliations in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Abstract: How does the geometric theory of hyperbolic 3-manifolds interact with the topological theory of foliations within them? Both points of view have seen profound developments over the past 40 years, and yet we have only an incomplete understanding of their overlap. I won't have much to add to this understanding! Instead, I will meander through aspects of both stories, saying a bit about what we know and pointing out some interesting questions.
(host: Kent)
== March 10, 2023, Friday at 4pm [ Yair Minsky]  (Yale University) ==
'''''Distinguished lectures'''''
Title: End-periodic maps, via fibered 3-manifolds
Abstract: In the second lecture I will focus on some joint work with Michael Landry and Sam Taylor. Thurston showed how a certain ``spinning<nowiki>''</nowiki> construction in a fibered 3-manifold produces a depth-1 foliation, which is described by an end-periodic map of an infinite genus surface. The dynamical properties of such maps were then studied by Handel-Miller, Cantwell-Conlon-Fenley and others. We show how to reverse this construction, obtaining every end-periodic map from spinning in a fibered manifold. This allows us to recover the dynamical features of the map, and more, directly from the more classical theory of fibered manifolds.
(host: Kent)
== March 24, 2023 , Friday at 4pm  [ Carolyn Abbott] (Brandeis University) ==
'''Title''': Boundaries, boundaries, and more boundaries
'''Abstract:''' It is possible to learn a lot about a group by studying how it acts on various metric spaces. One particularly interesting (and ubiquitous) class of groups are those that act nicely on negatively curved spaces, called hyperbolic groups. Since their introduction by Gromov in the 1980s, hyperbolic groups and their generalizations have played a central role in geometric group theory. One fruitful tool for studying such groups is their boundary at infinity. In this talk, I will discuss two generalizations of hyperbolic groups, relatively hyperbolic groups and hierarchically hyperbolic groups, and describe boundaries of each. I will describe various relationships between these boundaries and explain how the hierarchically hyperbolic boundary characterizes relative hyperbolicity among hierarchically hyperbolic groups.  This is joint work with Jason Behrstock and Jacob Russell.
== March 31, 2023 , Friday at 4pm [ Bálint Virág] (University of Toronto) ==
'''Title:''' Random plane geometry -- a gentle introduction
'''Abstract:''' Consider Z^2, and assign a random length of 1 or 2 to each edge based on independent fair coin tosses. The resulting random geometry, first passage percolation, is conjectured to have a scaling limit. Most random plane geometric models (including hidden geometries) should have the same scaling limit. I will explain the basics of the limiting geometry, the "directed landscape", and its relation to traffic jams, tetris, coffee stains and random matrices.
(host: Valko)
== April 7, 2023, Friday at 4pm  [ Rupert Klein] (FU Berlin) ==
'''''Wasow lecture'''''
Title: Mathematics: A key to climate research
Abstract: Mathematics in climate research is often thought to be mainly a provider of techniques for solving, e.g., the atmosphere and ocean flow equations. Three examples elucidate that its role is much broader and deeper:
1) Climate modelers often employ reduced forms of “the flow equations” for efficiency. Mathematical analysis helps assessing the regimes of validity of such models and defining conditions under which they can be solved robustly.
2) Climate is defined as “weather statistics”, and climate research investigates its change in time in our “single realization of Earth” with all its complexity. The required reliable notions of time dependent statistics for sparse data in high dimensions, however, remain to be established. Recent mathematical research offers advanced data analysis techniques that could be “game changing” in this respect.
3) Climate research, economy, and the social sciences are to generate a scientific basis for informed political decision making. Subtle misunderstandings often hamper systematic progress in this area. Mathematical formalization can help structuring discussions and bridging language barriers in interdisciplinary research.
(hosts: Smith, Stechmann)
== April 21, 2023, Friday at 4pm [ Peter Sternberg]  (Indiana University) ==
(hosts: Feldman, Tran)
== April 28, 2023, Friday at 4pm [ Nam Q. Le]  (Indiana University) ==
== Future Colloquia ==
[[Colloquia/Fall2023|Fall 2023]]
== Past Colloquia ==

[[Colloquia/Fall2022|Fall 2022]]
[[Colloquia/Fall2022|Fall 2022]]

Latest revision as of 15:35, 24 January 2025

UW-Madison Mathematics Colloquium is on Fridays at 4:00 pm in Van Vleck B239 unless otherwise noted.

Contacts for the colloquium are Michael Kemeny (spring) and Dallas Albritton (fall).

Everyone in the math department is subscribed to the mailing list.

This Semester's Colloquia

Spring 2025

Future Colloquia

Fall 2025

Past Colloquia

Fall 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

Spring 2019

Fall 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Spring 2017

Fall 2016

Spring 2016

Fall 2015

Spring 2015

Fall 2014

Spring 2014

Fall 2013

Spring 2013

Fall 2012