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[[Probability | Back to Probability Group]]
[[Probability | Back to Probability Group]]
* '''When''': Thursdays at 2:30 pm
* '''Where''': 901 Van Vleck Hall
* '''Organizers''': Hanbaek Lyu, Tatyana Shcherbyna, David Clancy
* '''To join the probability seminar mailing list:''' email
* '''To subscribe seminar lunch announcements:''' email

[[Past Seminars]]
[[Past Seminars]]

= Fall 2023 =
= Spring 2025 =
<b>Thursdays at 2:30 PM either in 901 Van Vleck Hall or on Zoom</b>
<b>Thursdays at 2:30 PM either in 901 Van Vleck Hall or on Zoom</b>

We usually end for questions at 3:20 PM.
We usually end for questions at 3:20 PM.

== September 14, 2023: [ Matthew Junge] (CUNY) ==
== January 23, 2025: ==
'''The frog model on trees'''
No seminar 
== January 30, 2025: Promit Ghosal (UChicago) ==
'''Bridging Theory and Practice in Stein Variational Gradient Descent: Gaussian Approximations, Finite-Particle Rates, and Beyond''' 
Stein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD) has emerged as a powerful interacting particle-based algorithm for nonparametric sampling, yet its theoretical properties remain challenging to unravel. This talk delves into two complementary perspectives about SVGD. First, we explore Gaussian-SVGD, a framework that projects SVGD onto the family of Gaussian distributions via a bilinear kernel. We establish rigorous convergence results for both mean-field dynamics and finite-particle systems, demonstrating linear convergence to equilibrium in strongly log-concave settings and unifying recent algorithms for Gaussian variational inference (GVI) under a single framework. Second, we analyze the finite-particle convergence rates of SVGD in Kernelized Stein Discrepancy (KSD) and Wasserstein-2 metrics. Leveraging a novel decomposition of the relative entropy time derivative, we achieve near-optimal rates with polynomial dimensional dependence and extend these results to bilinear-enhanced kernels.
== February 6, 2025: Subhabrata Sen (Harvard) ==
'''Community detection on multi-view networks'''

The frog model describes random activation and spread. Think combustion or an epidemic. I have studied these dynamics on ''d''-ary trees for ten years. I will discuss our progress and what remains to be done.
The community detection problem seeks to recover a latent clustering of vertices from an observed random graph. This problem has attracted significant attention across probability, statistics and computer science, and the fundamental thresholds for community recovery have been characterized in the last decade. Modern applications typically collect more fine-grained information on the units under study. For example, one might measure relations of multiple types among the units, or observe an evolving network over time. In this talk, we will discuss the community detection problem on such ‘multi-view’ networks. We will present some new results on the fundamental thresholds for community detection in these models. Finally, we will introduce algorithms for community detection based on Approximate Message Passing.

== September 21, 2023: [ Yier Lin] (U. Chicago) ==
This is based on joint work with Xiaodong Yang and Buyu Lin (Harvard University).
'''Large Deviations of the KPZ Equation and Most Probable Shapes'''

== February 13, 2025: Hanbaek Lyu (UW-Madison) ==
'''Large random matrices with given margins''' 

The KPZ equation is a stochastic PDE that plays a central role in a class of random growth phenomena. In this talk, we will explore the Freidlin-Wentzell LDP for the KPZ equation through the lens of the variational principle. Additionally, we will explain how to extract various limits of the most probable shape of the KPZ equation using the variational formula. We will also discuss an alternative approach for studying these quantities using the method of moments. This talk is based in part on joint works with Pierre Yves Gaudreau Lamarre and Li-Cheng Tsai.
We study large random matrices with i.i.d. entries conditioned to have prescribed row and column sums (margin). This problem has rich connections to relative entropy minimization,  Schr\"{o}dinger bridge, the enumeration of contingency tables, and random graphs with given degree sequences. We show that such a margin-constrained random matrix is sharply concentrated around a certain deterministic matrix, which we call the ''typical table''. Typical tables have dual characterizations: (1) the expectation of the random matrix ensemble with minimum relative entropy from the base model constrained to have the expected target margin, and (2) the expectation of the maximum likelihood model obtained by rank-one exponential tilting of the base model. The structure of the typical table is dictated by two potential functions, which give the maximum likelihood estimates of the tilting parameters. Based on these results, for a sequence of "tame" margins that converges in $L^{1}$ to a limiting continuum margin as the size of the matrix diverges, we show that the sequence of margin-constrained random matrices converges in cut norm to a limiting kernel, which is the $L^{2}$-limit of the corresponding rescaled typical tables. The rate of convergence is controlled by how fast the margins converge in $L^{1}$.  We also propose a generalized Sinkhorn algorithm for computing typical tables and establish its linear convergence. We derive several new results for random contingency tables from our general framework.

== September 28, 2023: [ Tommaso Rosati] (U. Warwick) ==
Based on a joint work with Sumit Mukherjee (Columbia)
'''The Allen-Cahn equation with weakly critical initial datum'''

We study the 2D Allen-Cahn with white noise initial datum. In a weak coupling regime, where the nonlinearity is damped in relation to the smoothing of the initial condition, we prove Gaussian fluctuations. The effective variance that appears can be described as the solution to an ODE. Our proof builds on a Wild expansion of the solution, which is controlled through precise combinatorial estimates. Joint work with Simon Gabriel and Nikolaos Zygouras.
== February 20, 2025: Mustafa Alper Gunes (Princeton) ==
'''Characteristic Polynomials of Random Matrices, Exchangeable Arrays & Painlevé Equations''' 

== October 5, 2023:  ==
Joint moments of characteristic polynomials of unitary random matrices and their derivatives have gained attention over the last 25 years, partly due to their conjectured relation to the Riemann zeta function. In this talk, we will consider the asymptotics of these moments in the most general setting allowing for derivatives of arbitrary order, generalising previous work that considered only the first derivative. Along the way, we will examine how exchangeable arrays and integrable systems play a crucial role in understanding the statistics of a class of infinite Hermitian random matrices. Based on joint work with Assiotis, Keating and Wei.
'''Abstract, title: TBA'''

== October 12, 2023: No Seminar ([ Midwest Probability Colloquium]) ==
== February 27, 2025: Souvik Dhara (Purdue) ==
'''Propagation of Shocks on Networks: Can Local Information Predict Survival?'''

== October 19, 2023: [ Paul Duncan] (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ==
Abstract: Complex systems are often fragile, where minor disruptions can cascade into dramatic collapses. Epidemics serve as a prime example of this phenomenon, while the 2008 financial crisis highlights how a domino effect, originating from the small subprime mortgage sector, can trigger global repercussions. The mathematical theory underlying these phenomena is both elegant and foundational, profoundly shaping the field of Network Science since its inception. In this talk, I will present a unifying mathematical model for network fragility and cascading dynamics, and explore its deep connections to the theory of local-weak convergence, pioneered by Benjamini-Schramm and Aldous-Steele.
'''Deconfinement in Ising Lattice Gauge Theory'''

A lattice gauge theory is a random assignment of spins to edges of a lattice that offers a more tractable model in which to study path integrals that appear in particle physics. We demonstrate the existence of a phase transition corresponding to deconfinement in a simplified model called Ising lattice gauge theory on the cubical lattice Z^3. Our methods involve studying the topology of a random 2-dimensional cubical complex on Z^3 called random-cluster plaquette percolation, which in turn can be reduced to the study of a random dual graph. No prior background in topology or physics will be assumed. This is based on joint work with Benjamin Schweinhart.
== March 6, 2025: Alexander Meehan (UW-Madison, Department of Philosophy) ==
'''What conditional probability could (probably) be'''

== October  26, 2023: Yuchen Liao (UW - Madison) ==
According to orthodox probability theory, when B has probability zero, the conditional probability of A given B can depend on the partition or sub-sigma-field that B is relativized to. This relativization to sub-sigma-fields, a hallmark of Kolmogorov's theory of conditional expectation, is traditionally seen as appropriate in a treatment of conditioning with continuous variables, and it is what allows the theory to preserve Total Disintegrability, a generalization of the Law of Total Probability to uncountable partitions. In this talk, I will argue that although the relativization of conditional probability to sub-sigma-fields has advantages, it also has an underrecognized cost: it leads to puzzles for the treatment of ''iterated conditioning''. I will discuss these puzzles and some possible implications for the foundations of conditional probability.
'''Large deviations for the deformed Polynuclear growth'''

The polynuclear growth model (PNG) is a prototypical example of random interface growth among the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. In this talk I will discuss a q-deformation of the PNG model recently introduced by Aggarwal-Borodin-Wheeler. We are mainly interested in the large time large deviations of the one-point distribution under narrow-wedge (droplet) initial data, i.e., the rare events that the height function at time t being much larger (upper tail) or much smaller (lower tail) than its expected value. Large deviation principles with speed t and t^2 are established for the upper and lower tails, respectively. The upper tail rate function is computed explicitly and is independent of q. The lower tail rate function is described through a variational problem and shows nontrivial q-dependence.  Based on joint  work with Matteo Mucciconi and Sayan Das.
This talk is based on joint work with Snow Zhang (UC Berkeley).  

== November 2, 2023: [ Cheng Ouyang] (U. Illinois Chicago) ==
== March 13, 2025: Klara Courteaut (Courant) ==
'''Colored noise and parabolic Anderson model on Torus'''
'''The Coulomb gas on a Jordan arc'''

We construct an intrinsic family of Gaussian noises on compact Riemannian manifolds which we call the colored noise on manifolds. It consists of noises with a wide range of singularities. Using this family of noises, we study the parabolic Anderson model on compact manifolds. To begin with, we started our investigation on a flat torus and established existence and uniqueness of the solution, as well as some sharp bounds on the second moment of the solution. In particular, our methodology does not necessarily rely on Fourier analysis and can be applied to study the PAM on more general manifolds.
We study a Coulomb gas on a sufficiently smooth simple arc in the complex plane, at arbitrary positive temperature. We show that as the number of particles tends to infinity, the partition function converges to a quantity involving the partition function of the log-gas on [−1,1] and the Fredholm determinant of the arc-Grunsky operator. Alternatively, we can express this quantity in terms of the Loewner energy of a specific Jordan curve associated with the arc. We also obtain an asymptotic formula for the Laplace transform of linear statistics for sufficiently regular test functions. This shows that the centered empirical measure converges to a Gaussian field with explicit asymptotic mean and asymptotic variance given by the Dirichlet energy of the test function.  

== November 9, 2023: [ Scott Smith] (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ==
Based on joint work with Kurt Johansson and Fredrik Viklund.
'''A stochastic analysis viewpoint on the master loop equation for lattice Yang-Mills'''

I will discuss the master loop equation for lattice Yang-Mills, introduced in the physics literature by Makeenko/Migdal (1979).  A more precise formulation and proof was given by Chatterjee (2019) for SO(N) and later by Jafarov for SU(N).  I will explain how the loop equation arises naturally from the Langevin dynamic for the lattice Yang-Mills measure.  Based on joint work with Hao Shen and Rongchan Zhu.
== March 20, 2025: Ewain Gwynne (UChicago) ==

== November 16, 2023: [ Matthew Nicoletti] (MIT) ==
== March 27, 2025: SPRING BREAK ==
'''Colored Interacting Particle Systems on the Ring: Stationary Measures from Yang--Baxter Equation'''
No seminar 

Recently, there has been much progress in understanding stationary measures for colored (also called multi-species or multi-type) interacting particle systems, motivated by asymptotic phenomena and rich underlying algebraic and combinatorial structures (such as nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials).
== April 3, 2025: Jimme He (OSU) ==

    In this work, we present a unified approach to constructing stationary measures for several colored particle systems on the ring and the line, including (1)~the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (mASEP); (2)~the $q$-deformed Totally Asymmetric Zero Range Process (TAZRP) also known as the $q$-Boson particle system; (3)~the $q$-deformed Pushing Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process ($q$-PushTASEP). Our method is based on integrable stochastic vertex models and the Yang--Baxter equation. We express the stationary measures as partition functions of new ``queue vertex models<nowiki>''</nowiki> on the cylinder. The stationarity property is a direct consequence of the Yang--Baxter equation. This is joint work with A. Aggarwal and L. Petrov.
== April 10, 2025: Evan Sorensen (Columbia) ==

== November 23, 2023: No Seminar ==
== April 17, 2025: ==
'''No seminar. Thanksgiving.'''

== November 30, 2023: [ Youngtak Sohn] (MIT) ==
== April 24, 2025: William Leep (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) ==
'''Abstract, title: TBA'''

== December 7, 2023: Minjae Park (U. Chicago) ==
== May 1, 2025: Hai-Xiao Wang (UCSD) ==
'''Abstract, title: TBA'''

Latest revision as of 21:29, 7 March 2025

Back to Probability Group

  • When: Thursdays at 2:30 pm
  • Where: 901 Van Vleck Hall
  • Organizers: Hanbaek Lyu, Tatyana Shcherbyna, David Clancy
  • To join the probability seminar mailing list: email
  • To subscribe seminar lunch announcements: email

Past Seminars

Spring 2025

Thursdays at 2:30 PM either in 901 Van Vleck Hall or on Zoom

We usually end for questions at 3:20 PM.

January 23, 2025:

No seminar

January 30, 2025: Promit Ghosal (UChicago)

Bridging Theory and Practice in Stein Variational Gradient Descent: Gaussian Approximations, Finite-Particle Rates, and Beyond

Stein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD) has emerged as a powerful interacting particle-based algorithm for nonparametric sampling, yet its theoretical properties remain challenging to unravel. This talk delves into two complementary perspectives about SVGD. First, we explore Gaussian-SVGD, a framework that projects SVGD onto the family of Gaussian distributions via a bilinear kernel. We establish rigorous convergence results for both mean-field dynamics and finite-particle systems, demonstrating linear convergence to equilibrium in strongly log-concave settings and unifying recent algorithms for Gaussian variational inference (GVI) under a single framework. Second, we analyze the finite-particle convergence rates of SVGD in Kernelized Stein Discrepancy (KSD) and Wasserstein-2 metrics. Leveraging a novel decomposition of the relative entropy time derivative, we achieve near-optimal rates with polynomial dimensional dependence and extend these results to bilinear-enhanced kernels.

February 6, 2025: Subhabrata Sen (Harvard)

Community detection on multi-view networks

The community detection problem seeks to recover a latent clustering of vertices from an observed random graph. This problem has attracted significant attention across probability, statistics and computer science, and the fundamental thresholds for community recovery have been characterized in the last decade. Modern applications typically collect more fine-grained information on the units under study. For example, one might measure relations of multiple types among the units, or observe an evolving network over time. In this talk, we will discuss the community detection problem on such ‘multi-view’ networks. We will present some new results on the fundamental thresholds for community detection in these models. Finally, we will introduce algorithms for community detection based on Approximate Message Passing.

This is based on joint work with Xiaodong Yang and Buyu Lin (Harvard University).

February 13, 2025: Hanbaek Lyu (UW-Madison)

Large random matrices with given margins

We study large random matrices with i.i.d. entries conditioned to have prescribed row and column sums (margin). This problem has rich connections to relative entropy minimization,  Schr\"{o}dinger bridge, the enumeration of contingency tables, and random graphs with given degree sequences. We show that such a margin-constrained random matrix is sharply concentrated around a certain deterministic matrix, which we call the typical table. Typical tables have dual characterizations: (1) the expectation of the random matrix ensemble with minimum relative entropy from the base model constrained to have the expected target margin, and (2) the expectation of the maximum likelihood model obtained by rank-one exponential tilting of the base model. The structure of the typical table is dictated by two potential functions, which give the maximum likelihood estimates of the tilting parameters. Based on these results, for a sequence of "tame" margins that converges in $L^{1}$ to a limiting continuum margin as the size of the matrix diverges, we show that the sequence of margin-constrained random matrices converges in cut norm to a limiting kernel, which is the $L^{2}$-limit of the corresponding rescaled typical tables. The rate of convergence is controlled by how fast the margins converge in $L^{1}$.  We also propose a generalized Sinkhorn algorithm for computing typical tables and establish its linear convergence. We derive several new results for random contingency tables from our general framework.

Based on a joint work with Sumit Mukherjee (Columbia)

February 20, 2025: Mustafa Alper Gunes (Princeton)

Characteristic Polynomials of Random Matrices, Exchangeable Arrays & Painlevé Equations

Joint moments of characteristic polynomials of unitary random matrices and their derivatives have gained attention over the last 25 years, partly due to their conjectured relation to the Riemann zeta function. In this talk, we will consider the asymptotics of these moments in the most general setting allowing for derivatives of arbitrary order, generalising previous work that considered only the first derivative. Along the way, we will examine how exchangeable arrays and integrable systems play a crucial role in understanding the statistics of a class of infinite Hermitian random matrices. Based on joint work with Assiotis, Keating and Wei.

February 27, 2025: Souvik Dhara (Purdue)

Propagation of Shocks on Networks: Can Local Information Predict Survival?

Abstract: Complex systems are often fragile, where minor disruptions can cascade into dramatic collapses. Epidemics serve as a prime example of this phenomenon, while the 2008 financial crisis highlights how a domino effect, originating from the small subprime mortgage sector, can trigger global repercussions. The mathematical theory underlying these phenomena is both elegant and foundational, profoundly shaping the field of Network Science since its inception. In this talk, I will present a unifying mathematical model for network fragility and cascading dynamics, and explore its deep connections to the theory of local-weak convergence, pioneered by Benjamini-Schramm and Aldous-Steele.

March 6, 2025: Alexander Meehan (UW-Madison, Department of Philosophy)

What conditional probability could (probably) be

According to orthodox probability theory, when B has probability zero, the conditional probability of A given B can depend on the partition or sub-sigma-field that B is relativized to. This relativization to sub-sigma-fields, a hallmark of Kolmogorov's theory of conditional expectation, is traditionally seen as appropriate in a treatment of conditioning with continuous variables, and it is what allows the theory to preserve Total Disintegrability, a generalization of the Law of Total Probability to uncountable partitions. In this talk, I will argue that although the relativization of conditional probability to sub-sigma-fields has advantages, it also has an underrecognized cost: it leads to puzzles for the treatment of iterated conditioning. I will discuss these puzzles and some possible implications for the foundations of conditional probability.

This talk is based on joint work with Snow Zhang (UC Berkeley).

March 13, 2025: Klara Courteaut (Courant)

The Coulomb gas on a Jordan arc

We study a Coulomb gas on a sufficiently smooth simple arc in the complex plane, at arbitrary positive temperature. We show that as the number of particles tends to infinity, the partition function converges to a quantity involving the partition function of the log-gas on [−1,1] and the Fredholm determinant of the arc-Grunsky operator. Alternatively, we can express this quantity in terms of the Loewner energy of a specific Jordan curve associated with the arc. We also obtain an asymptotic formula for the Laplace transform of linear statistics for sufficiently regular test functions. This shows that the centered empirical measure converges to a Gaussian field with explicit asymptotic mean and asymptotic variance given by the Dirichlet energy of the test function.

Based on joint work with Kurt Johansson and Fredrik Viklund.

March 20, 2025: Ewain Gwynne (UChicago)


March 27, 2025: SPRING BREAK

No seminar

April 3, 2025: Jimme He (OSU)


April 10, 2025: Evan Sorensen (Columbia)


April 17, 2025:


April 24, 2025: William Leep (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)


May 1, 2025: Hai-Xiao Wang (UCSD)