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The seminar normally meets 2:30-3:30pm on Fridays, in the room '''Van Vleck''' '''B131'''.
#REDIRECT [[Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar Spring 2025]]
==Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Mailing List==
*Please join the AGS mailing list by sending an email to to hear about upcoming seminars, lunches, and other algebraic geometry events in the department  (it is possible you must be on a math department computer to use this link).
==Fall 2024 Schedule==
{| cellpadding="8"
! align="left" |date
! align="left" |speaker
! align="left" |title
! align="left" |host/link to talk
|September 27
|Joshua Mundinger (Madison)
|[[#Joshua Mundinger|Hochschild homology and the HKR spectral sequence]]
|October 4
|Dima Arinkin (Madison)
|[[#Dima Arinkin|Derived category of the stacky compactified Jacobian]]
|November 14 (2-3pm, Birge 348)
|Yunfeng Jiang (Kansas)
|Intro pre-talk in GAGS
|November 15
|Yunfeng Jiang (Kansas)
|[[#Yunfeng Jiang|Enumerative geometry for KSBA spaces]]
|December 13
|Thomas Brazelton (Harvard)
|January 31
|Jacob Koncki (Warsaw)
===Joshua Mundinger===
'''Hochschild homology and the HKR spectral sequence'''
Hochschild homology of an algebraic variety carries the Hochschild-Konstant-Rosenberg (HKR) filtration. In characteristic zero, this filtration is split, yielding the HKR decomposition of Hochschild homology. In characteristic p, this filtration does not split, giving rise to the HKR spectral sequence. We describe the first nonzero differential of this spectral sequence. Our description is related to the Atiyah class.
===Dima Arinkin===
'''Derived category of the stacky compactified Jacobian'''
The Jacobian of a smooth projective curve is an abelian variety which is identified with its own dual. This implies that its derived category carries a non-trivial auto-equivalence - the Fourier-Mukai transform. When the curve has planar singularities, the Jacobian is no longer compact (and, in particular, not an abelian variety), but it turns out that the Fourier-Mukai transform still exists, provided we compactify the Jacobian. The transform can be viewed as the `classical limit' of the geometric Langlands correspondence.
In this talk, I will explore what happens when the curve becomes reducible. From the point of view of the geometric Langlands conjecture, it is important to work with the compactified Jacobian viewed as a stack (rather than the corresponding moduli space).
In my talk I will show that this also leads to certain issues, and in fact that the most general version of the statement is inconsistent, while
more conservative versions are true.
===Yunfeng Jiang===
'''Enumerative geometry for KSBA spaces'''
Motivated by theoretical physics—string theory and gauge theory,  the curve counting invariants -- Gromov-Witten theory and Donaldson-Thomas theory have been a hot research  subject in recent decades. A key point in the development of Gromov-Witten theory is the Deligne-Mumford compactification of the moduli space \bar M_g of stable curves. Witten's conjecture and Kontsevich's theorem studied the tautological integral of tautological classes over this space \bar M_g. Gromov-Witten invariants are the curve counting invariants defined by the virtual fundamental class of the moduli space of stable maps to a target variety X. The role of the virtual fundamental class is crucial due to the fact that  the moduli space of stable maps is in general singular.
It is a long time question to generalize the above story to the counting of higher dimensions. The moduli space of general type surfaces (or log general type surfaces) was completed by Kollár-Shepherd-Barron-Alexeev (KSBA) called the KSBA compactification. Not like the moduli space of stable curves, where the worse singularities are nodal singularities which are locally complete intersection (lci) singularities,  the worst singularities in the boundary of the KSBA space are semi-log-canonical (slc) singularities. In these two talks I will first talk about the general background of the construction of the virtual fundamental class for the KSBA spaces. In the second talk I will outline my method to construct virtual fundamental class for KSBA spaces. This allows us to define tautological invariants on KSBA spaces and do the enumerative geometry on such spaces.

Latest revision as of 16:07, 29 January 2025