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|Kevin D.
|Kevin D.
|Fibred Categories
|Fibred Categories
|Introduction to fibred categories. Describe correspondence between fibred categories /C and presheaves on C. Groupoids in C, fibre products of fibred categories, Yoneda Lemma, and discussion of categories fibred in groupoids. Discuss examples. The following exercises in Olsson are relevant for the future: 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, 3.D, 3.F, and 3.G.
|Introduction to fibred categories. Describe correspondence between fibred categories /C and presheaves on C. Groupoids in C, fibre products of fibred categories, Yoneda Lemma, and discussion of categories fibred in groupoids. Discuss examples.  
The following exercises in Olsson are relevant for the future: 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, 3.D, 3.F, and 3.G.
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|Kevin D.
|Stacks (Artin Stacks)
|Stacks: Motivation and Artin Stacks  
|Definition of an algebraic (Artin) stack. Define what is a Deligne-Mumford stack. Define properties of morphisms of stacks (for representable morphisms only). Define M_g, quotient stacks, and classifying stacks as examples (to be verified later). Discuss separation axioms.
|Stacks (Deligne-Mumford)
|Stacks: Deligne-Mumford Stacks and Quasicoherent Sheaves on Algebraic Stacks
|Theorem: An algebraic stack is Deligne-Mumford iff \Delta:X->X\times_S X is formally unramified.
Examples of Deligne-Mumford stacks which arise in nature. Do some computations with M_g and M_{g,n} e.g. show M_0=BPGL_2. Discuss quasicoherent sheaves on algebraic stacks.
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|The Keel-Mori Theorem
|Coarse Moduli Spaces and The Keel-Mori Theorem
|References: Chapter 11 of Olsson has a more general formulation than 4.4.2 of Alper's notes. Applications in next lecture. See also [ Conrad's paper] which has more details and which Olsson follows.
|References: Chapter 11 of Olsson has a more general formulation than 4.4.2 of Alper's notes. Applications in next lecture. See also [ Conrad's paper] which has more details and which Olsson follows.

Latest revision as of 12:36, 13 March 2025

Current Room Information: Fri Feb 28 2025 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm in Ingraham 225 (Repeats every week on Friday through 5/2)

Disclaimer: Notes from this page were scribed by an audience member. Mistakes, typos, and so forth are possible and likely. No originality is claimed.

Tentative schedule

date speaker title topics
02/28/2025 Hairuo X. Grothendieck Topologies / Sites Introduction to Grothendieck Toplogies /sites. More information can be found in Notes on a Seminar by Michael Artin. If one wishes to present more on the \'etale site, Milne's Lecture Notes has far more details.


03/07/2025 Kevin D. Fibred Categories Introduction to fibred categories. Describe correspondence between fibred categories /C and presheaves on C. Groupoids in C, fibre products of fibred categories, Yoneda Lemma, and discussion of categories fibred in groupoids. Discuss examples.

The following exercises in Olsson are relevant for the future: 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, 3.D, 3.F, and 3.G.


03/14/2025 Jeremy N. Descent and Stack Conditions Discuss generalities on descent. Explain why fppf descent and fpqc descent work. Applications of descent e.g. closed subschemes, open embeddings, affine morphisms, polarized schemes. Discuss torsors and principal homogeneous spaces. See exercise 4.G for invertible sheaves on sites.

Definition of stack using fibred categories. Fibred products of stacks, explanation of the stackification functor. Examples of stacks: Olsson's examples are found in the exercises 4.C, 4.E, 4.H. If exercises are too hard, see Laumon-Moret-Bailly.

3/21/2025 Jameson A. Algebraic Spaces Part 1 Olsson's presentation spans three chapters. Alper's notes are really good for this. Note the Stacks project uses the fppf topology instead of the etale topology.
3/28/2025 Algebraic Spaces Part 2 Define quasicoherent sheaves on algebraic spaces. Discuss more examples of algebraic spaces and where they might arise naturally. Explain why algebraic spaces are not enough for many moduli problems.
04/01/2025 Kevin D. Stacks: Motivation and Artin Stacks Definition of an algebraic (Artin) stack. Define what is a Deligne-Mumford stack. Define properties of morphisms of stacks (for representable morphisms only). Define M_g, quotient stacks, and classifying stacks as examples (to be verified later). Discuss separation axioms.
04/11/2025 Stacks: Deligne-Mumford Stacks and Quasicoherent Sheaves on Algebraic Stacks Theorem: An algebraic stack is Deligne-Mumford iff \Delta:X->X\times_S X is formally unramified.

Examples of Deligne-Mumford stacks which arise in nature. Do some computations with M_g and M_{g,n} e.g. show M_0=BPGL_2. Discuss quasicoherent sheaves on algebraic stacks.

04/18/2025 Jeremy N. Expedition: Quot Scheme and Hilbert Scheme Introduction to Quot Scheme and Hilbert Scheme. Phrase it using the language introduced thus far.

Indicate application to identifying M_g=[H'/PGL_{5g-5}] for H' a locally closed subscheme of the Hilbert scheme.

04/25/2025 Examples: M_g, Bun(C), Quotient Stacks, Classifying Stack. Returning to the examples described before -- actually prove / explain why these are algebraic / Deligne-Mumford stacks.
05/02/2025 Quasicoherent Sheaves on Algebraic Stacks
05/09/2025 Coarse Moduli Spaces and more Moduli of Curves
Expedition: Coarse Moduli Spaces and Geometric Invariant Theory
Coarse Moduli Spaces and The Keel-Mori Theorem References: Chapter 11 of Olsson has a more general formulation than 4.4.2 of Alper's notes. Applications in next lecture. See also Conrad's paper which has more details and which Olsson follows.
Local Structure of Algebraic Stacks Apply Keel-Mori Theorem to give local structure of Deligne-Mumford stacks. Discuss the local structure of Artin stacks afterwards.
Luna's Etale Slice Theorem
Moduli of Semistable Bundles
Future Potential Topics Bun_G (perhaps following Sorger), Artin Algebraization, Formal Moduli, etc. We'll figure it out when we get there.


  1. Martin Olsson's Algebraic Spaces and Stacks. See the errata here.
  2. Laumon-Moret-Bailly Champs Algebriques
  3. Alper's Stacks and Moduli
  4. Dan Edidin Notes on the Construction of the Moduli Space of Curves