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Software available in B107 includes:   
Software available in B107 includes:   

*MS Office (Word, Excel, Access)  
*MS Office 2013 (Word, Excel, Access)  

Please do not assume the room will be available on demand.  Check ahead and sign up in Room 220!  If you will be using it regularly for an extended period you can reserve it, e.g.  for a certain time every Monday and Wednesday all semester, or you can sign up to use the room for just certain specified times. For technical information, see the Computer Administrator.  For room reservations, see Sharon Paulson in 220 Van Vleck.
Please do not assume the room will be available on demand.  Check ahead and sign up in Room 220!  If you will be using it regularly for an extended period you can reserve it, e.g.  for a certain time every Monday and Wednesday all semester, or you can sign up to use the room for just certain specified times. For technical information, see the Computer Administrator.  For room reservations, see Sharon Paulson in 220 Van Vleck.

Revision as of 18:09, 25 June 2014


  • Projectors: The department has compact, light weight projectors that can be connected to the video output of almost any notebook computer. It can be signed out from the Math Library. You will need your student or staff ID. If you are going to use this, it would be a wise idea to try it in advance, both to make sure it works properly with your computer (very likely) and to see how you will have to rearrange the furniture in your classroom (also very likely!). The math library also has an assortment of VGA video cables which can be used to connect a Macintosh computer or iPad to a projector. One of the projectors has built in speakers and a DVD player. It also has two microphones which can be connected to it.


  • Electronic Lecture Halls: Rooms B102, B130, B223, B231, B239.

The rooms have conventional chalkboards but everything else is controlled through a touch panel on the stage. The screens are arranged so that you can project images, e.g. computer output, that your students can see at the same time that they see you and your writing on the chalkboards. You can control basic lighting, and use the chalkboards, with little special knowledge. There's a phone number on the podium for this purpose.

You will need a passcode and a key to use the audio/visual system. You'll need to go through a set of web-based training slides in order to get a passcode for the podium. [1] You can obtain a key for the podium by visiting Derek Dombrowski in room 373A Bascom Hall or stopping by the IT Coordinator's office (515 Van Vleck)

B102, B130 and classrooms B223, B231 have electronic equipment which includes a “document camera” that replaces an overhead projector. The document camera can project from traditional transparencies or from written or printed material on non-transparent media. The document camera can be used with traditional transparencies as well as printed or hand-written material on paper, or sections from books or journals.

NOTE: The equipment does not include a computer: If you wish to use a computer in this room you are expected to bring in a notebook computer and connect it to the equipment in the console.

Rooms B223 and B231 are equipped similarly to B102 and B130, except that they do not have microphones.


B107: A computer classroom is maintained by the Math Dept. This classroom has 20 computer workstations (PCs running Windows 7), each of which can be shared by two students. It also has a computer at the front of the room for the instructor, and a projector so that students can see what is on the instructor’s screen. The students’ and instructor’s computers are connected to the internet. There is a B&W printer accessible from any of the computers.

There is a whiteboard, much of which is usable even while projecting computer output.

Software available in B107 includes:

  • MS Office 2013 (Word, Excel, Access)
  • Matlab
  • Maple
  • Mathematica
  • SketchPad

Please do not assume the room will be available on demand. Check ahead and sign up in Room 220! If you will be using it regularly for an extended period you can reserve it, e.g. for a certain time every Monday and Wednesday all semester, or you can sign up to use the room for just certain specified times. For technical information, see the Computer Administrator. For room reservations, see Sharon Paulson in 220 Van Vleck.


  • Digital Camera: A digital camera is available for departmental use. Send e-mail to if you want to use it.
  • Other Equipment: Videotaping equipment, audio tape/ CD players, and other items are available from a couple of campus resources: The LSS (Learning Support Services) office of the College of Letters and Science ( and DoIT (Division of Information Technology) ( Many items from LSS are free, most from DoIT have to be paid for. See DoIT’s website to arrange this.
  • Overhead Projectors: Several portable overhead projectors are available from the Receptionist. (The overhead projectors are the old-fashioned kind, not computer projectors.) Please reserve projectors in a timely fashion rather than assuming one will be available at the last minute. There is also a portable overhead projector in the storage closet (room 905) on the 9th floor which is convenient for use in the seminar rooms. The small lecture hall B239 has a permanently installed overhead projector.
  • Slide Projector: A Kodak Carousel projector for mounted 35mm slides is available in room B128. The sign-out sheet is in room 213.