NTSGrad Spring 2018/Abstracts

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This page contains the titles and abstracts for talks scheduled in the Spring 2018 semester. To go back to the main NTSGrad page, click here.

Jan 23

Solly Parenti
Rankin-Selberg L-functions

What do you get when you cross an Eisenstein series with a cuspform? An L-function! Since there's no modular forms course this semester, I will try to squeeze in an entire semester's course on modular forms during the first part of this talk, and then I'll explain the Rankin-Selberg method of establishing analytic continuation of certain L-functions.

Jan 30

Wanlin Li
Intersection Theory on Modular Curves

My talk is based on the paper by François Charles with title "FROBENIUS DISTRIBUTION FOR PAIRS OF ELLIPTIC CURVES AND EXCEPTIONAL ISOGENIES". I will talk about the main theorem and give some intuition and heuristic behind it. I will also give a sketch of the proof.

Feb 6

Dongxi Ye
Modular Forms, Borcherds Lifting and Gross-Zagier Type CM Value Formulas

During the course of past decades, modular forms and Borcherds lifting have been playing an increasingly central role in number theory. In this talk, I will partially justify these by discussing some recent progress on some topics in number theory, such as representations by quadratic forms and Gross-Zagier type CM value formulas.