Geometry and Topology Seminar 2019-2020
The Geometry and Topology seminar meets in room 901 of Van Vleck Hall on Fridays from 1:20pm - 2:10pm.
For more information, contact Shaosai Huang.
Fall 2018
date | speaker | title | host(s) |
Sept. 14 | Teddy Einstein | Quasiconvex Hierarchies for Relatively Hyperbolic Non-Positively Curved Cube Complexes | (Dymarz) |
Oct. 12 | Marissa Loving | TBA | (Kent) |
Oct. 19 | Sara Maloni | TBA | (Kent) |
Nov. 16 | Xiangdong Xie | TBA | (Dymarz) |
Fall Abstracts
Teddy Einstein
Title: Quasiconvex Hierarchies for Relatively Hyperbolic Non-Positively Curved Cube Complexes
Abstract: Non-positively curved (NPC) cube complexes are important tools in low dimensional topology and group theory and play a prominent role in Agol's proof of the Virtual Haken Conjecture. Constructing a hierarchy for a NPC cube complex is a powerful method of decomposing its fundamental group essential to the theory of NPC cube complex theory. When a cube complex admits a hierarchy with nice properties, it becomes possible to use the hierarchy structure to make inductive arguments. I will explain what a quasiconvex hierarchy of an NPC cube complex is and briefly discuss some of the applications. We will see an outline of how to construct a quasiconvex hierarchy for a relatively hyperbolic NPC cube complex and some of the hyperbolic and relatively hyperbolic geometric tools used to ensure the hierarchy is indeed quasiconvex.
Archive of past Geometry seminars
2017-2018 Geometry_and_Topology_Seminar_2017-2018
2016-2017 Geometry_and_Topology_Seminar_2016-2017
2015-2016: Geometry_and_Topology_Seminar_2015-2016
2014-2015: Geometry_and_Topology_Seminar_2014-2015
2013-2014: Geometry_and_Topology_Seminar_2013-2014
2012-2013: Geometry_and_Topology_Seminar_2012-2013
2011-2012: Geometry_and_Topology_Seminar_2011-2012
2010: Fall-2010-Geometry-Topology