Past Probability Seminars Spring 2020

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Fall 2019

Thursdays in 901 Van Vleck Hall at 2:25 PM, unless otherwise noted. We usually end for questions at 3:15 PM.

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September 12, 2019, Victor Kleptsyn, CNRS

Furstenberg theorem: now with a parameter!

September 19, 2019, Xuan Wu, Columbia University

A Gibbs resampling method for discrete log-gamma line ensemble.

In this talk we will construct the discrete log-gamma line ensemble, which is assocaited with inverse gamma polymer model. This log-gamma line ensemble enjoys a random walk Gibbs resampling invariance that follows from the integrable nature of the inverse gamma polymer model via geometric RSK correspondance. By exploiting such resampling invariance, we show the tightness of this log-gamma line ensemble under weak noise scaling. Furthermore, a Gibbs property, as enjoyed by KPZ line ensemble, holds for all subsequential limits.

October 3, 2019, Scott Smith, UW Madison

October 10, 2019, NO SEMINAR - Midwest Probability Colloquium

October 17, 2019, Scott Hottovy, USNA

October 24, 2019, Brian Rider, Temple University

October 31, 2019, Elchanan Mossel, MIT

November 7, 2019, Tomas Berggren, KTH Stockholm

November 14, 2019, Benjamin Landon, MIT

November 21, 2019, TBA

November 28, 2019, Thanksgiving (no seminar)

December 5, 2019, Vadim Gorin, UW Madison

Past Seminars