Past Probability Seminars Spring 2020

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Fall 2019

Thursdays in 901 Van Vleck Hall at 2:30 PM, unless otherwise noted. We usually end for questions at 3:20 PM.

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September 12, 2019, Victor Kleptsyn, CNRS and University of Rennes 1

Furstenberg theorem: now with a parameter!

The classical Furstenberg theorem describes the (almost sure) behaviour of a random product of independent matrices; their norms turn out to grow exponentially. In our joint work with A. Gorodetski, we study what happens if the random matrices depend on an additional parameter. It turns out that in this new situation, the conclusion changes. Namely, under some conditions, there almost surely exists a (random) "exceptional" set on parameters where the lower limit for the Lyapunov exponent vanishes. Our results are related to the Anderson localization in dimension one, providing a purely dynamical viewpoint on its proof. I will also speak about some generalizations and related open questions.

September 19, 2019, Xuan Wu, Columbia University

A Gibbs resampling method for discrete log-gamma line ensemble.

In this talk we will construct the discrete log-gamma line ensemble, which is assocaited with inverse gamma polymer model. This log-gamma line ensemble enjoys a random walk Gibbs resampling invariance that follows from the integrable nature of the inverse gamma polymer model via geometric RSK correspondance. By exploiting such resampling invariance, we show the tightness of this log-gamma line ensemble under weak noise scaling. Furthermore, a Gibbs property, as enjoyed by KPZ line ensemble, holds for all subsequential limits.

October 10, 2019, NO SEMINAR - Midwest Probability Colloquium

October 17, 2019, Scott Hottovy, USNA

Simplified dynamics for noisy systems with delays.

Many biological and physical systems include some type of random noise with a temporal delay. For example, many sperm cells travel in a random motion where their velocity changes according to a chemical signal. This chemotaxis is transmitted through a delay in the system. That is, the sperm notices chemical gradients after a certain time has elapsed. In this case, the delay causes the sperm to aggregate around the egg. In this talk I will consider a general stochastic differential delay equation (SDDE) with state-dependent colored noises and derive its limit as the time delays and the correlation times of the noises go to zero. The analysis leads to a much simpler Stochastic Differential Equation to study. The work is motivated by an experiment involving an electrical circuit with noisy, delayed feedback. The main methods used in the proof are a theorem about convergence of solutions of stochastic differential equations by Kurtz and Protter and a maximal inequality for sums of a stationary sequence of random variables by Peligrad and Utev.

October 24, 2019, Brian Rider, Temple University

A general beta crossover ensemble

I'll describe an operator limit for a family of general beta ensembles which exhibit a double-scaling. In particular, a free parameter in the system provides for a crossover between the more well-known "soft" and "hard" edge point processes. This new limit operator takes as input the Riccati diffusion associated with the Stochastic Airy Operator. I like to suggest that this hints at a hierarchy of random operators analogous to the Painlevé hierarchy observed at the level of correlation functions for double-scaling ensembles most widely studied at beta = 2. Full disclosure: the result remains partially conjectural due to an unresolved uniqueness question, but I’ll provide lots of evidence to convince you we have the right answer. Joint work with Jose Ramírez (Univ. Costa Rica).

October 31, 2019, Vadim Gorin, UW Madison

Shift invariance for the six-vertex model and directed polymers.

I will explain a recently discovered mysterious property in a variety of stochastic systems ranging from the six-vertex model and to the directed polymers, last passage percolation, Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation, and Airy sheet. Vaguely speaking, the property says that the multi-point joint distributions are unchanged when some (but not necessarily all!) points of observations are shifted. The property leads to explicit computations for the previously inaccessible joint distributions in all these settings.

November 7, 2019, Tomas Berggren, KTH Stockholm

Domino tilings of the Aztec diamond with doubly periodic weightings​

This talk will be centered around domino tilings of the Aztec diamond with doubly periodic weightings. In particular asymptotic results of the $ 2 \times k $-periodic Aztec diamond will be discussed, both in the macroscopic and microscopic scale. The macroscopic picture is described using a close connection to a Riemann surface. For instance, the number of smooth regions (also called gas regions) is the same as the genus of the mentioned Riemann surface.

The starting point of the asymptotic analysis is a non-intersecting path formulation and a double integral formula for the correlation kernel. The proof of this double integral formula is based on joint work with M. Duits, which will be discuss briefly if time permits.

November 14, 2019, Benjamin Landon, MIT

November 21, 2019, Tung Nguyen, UW Madison

November 28, 2019, Thanksgiving (no seminar)

Past Seminars