Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar Fall 2017

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Wednesdays 4:30pm-5:30pm, B309 Van Vleck

The purpose of this seminar is to have a talk on each Wednesday by a graduate student to help orient ourselves for the Algebraic Geometry Seminar talk on the following Friday. These talks should be aimed at beginning graduate students, and should try to explain some of the background, terminology, and ideas for the Friday talk.

Give a talk!

We need volunteers to give talks this semester. If you're interested contact David. Beginning graduate students are particularly encouraged to give a talk, since it's a great way to get your feet wet with the material.

Spring 2012 Semester

Date Speaker Title (click to see abstract)
February 2 (Thurs.) Nathan Clement GIT
February 8 (Wed.) Ed Dewey Prep Talk for Matthew Ballard
February 15 (Wed.) Jeff Poskin Syzygies of modules
February 22 (Wed.) David Dynerman TBA

February 1

Nathan Clement
Title: GIT

Abstract: Let X be an algebraic variety and G an algebraic group, both defined over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p > 0. One would like to form a quotient of X by G with certain properties. One might hope that a natural solution would come from computing the ring of G invariant functions on X. In general, however, this ring of invariants may not be nice. I will present some of the difficulties of the GIT approach to quotients and where some progress has been made.

February 8

Ed Dewey
Title: GIT Prep

February 15

Jeff Poskin
Syzygies of modules


February 22

David Dynerman
