Graduate Dynamics Seminar

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This seminar is new for the Spring 2025 semester! We will be meeting at 2:30 on Wednesdays in Van Vleck B325.

Organizers: Gabriela Brown and Caroline Nunn


This seminar is designed to be introductory and accessible for all graduate students interested in dynamics, geometric group theory, and low dimensional topology. As such, we request that speakers keep their talks in the 10-30 minute range, with the remaining time devoted to group discussion and solving problems provided by the speaker. We especially encourage students early in their grad school careers to give talks.


Date Speaker Title/topic Abstract
March 12 Gabriela What is an affine invariant submanifold? TBD
March 19 Caroline Hyperbolic geometry and surfaces TBD
April 2 Hannah TBD TBD
April 9 Inbo Invariant Measures TBD
April 16 Xiyu TBD TBD
April 23 Taylor TBD TBD