Madison Math Circle Abstracts

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August 6 2016

Science Saturday
Title: Game Busters

The goal of our station will be to explore the mathematics related to the games: Set, Nim, and Chomp. We will have stations where individuals can drop by play a few games and explore these games for themselves. (We will have worksheets and volunteers providing guidance.) Additionally, anyone will be able to challenge our Master of Nim with fun prizes available for beating them. (Note: This is at a special time and location.)

September 12 2016

Jean-Luc Thiffeault
Title: Why do my earbuds keep getting entangled?

I'll discuss the mathematics of random entanglements. Why is it that it's so easy for wires to get entangled, but so hard for them to detangle?

September 19 2016

DJ Bruce
Title: Is Any Knot Not the Unknot?

You're walking home from school, and you pull out your head phones to listen to some tunes. However, inevitably they are a horribly tangled mess, but are they really a knot? We'll talk about what exactly is a knot, and how we can tell when something is not the unknot.

September 26 2016

Megan Maguire
Title: Coloring Maps

Have you ever noticed that in colored maps of the US bordering states are never the same color? That's because it would be super confusing! But how many different colors do we need in order to avoid this? Come find out and learn more cool things about coloring maps.

October 3 2016

Zach Charles
Title: 1 + 1 = 10, or How does my smartphone do anything?

Computers are used to do all kinds of complex tasks, from playing videos to running internet browsers. Secretly, computers do everything through numbers and mathematics. Surprisingly, they do all of this with "bits", numbers that are only 0 or 1. We will talk about bits and how we use them to do the mathematics we're familiar with as humans. If we have enough time, we will discuss "addition chains" and how computers use them to speed up their computations.

October 10 2016

Title: TBD


October 17 2016

Title: TBD


October 24 2016

Title: TBD


October 31 2016

Title: No Meeting

Enjoy Halloween.

November 7 2016

Title: TBD


November 14 2016

Title: TBD


November 21 2016

Title: TBD


High School Meetings