Administrative Staff

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Administrative Staff and Program Directors

Name Function Room No. Phone No.
Castillo, Mark Grants & Extramural Support 214 VV 263-6953
Ungur, Elena Department Administrator 218 VV 263-2023
Paulson, Sharon Copy Center/Seminar Room Reservations 220 VV 263-3059
Brohaugh, Kathie Graduate Student Coordinator 203 VV 263-8884
Kovacs, Veneta Travel Reimbursements/Pro Card Orders 215 VV 890-1315
[Vacant] Payroll & Benefits 214 VV 263-3058
Wendt, Joan Assistant to the Chair 223 VV 263-3051
Mayes, Henry IS Support 215 VV 263-6859
Pettersen, David Timetable/Undergraduate Program 411 VV 263-3061