Symplectic Geometry Seminar

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Wednesday 3:30pm-4:30pm VV B305

  • If you would like to talk in the seminar but have difficulty with adding information here, please contact Dongning Wang

Spring 2011

date speaker title host(s)
Feb. 9th Jie Zhao Witten's Proof of Morse Inequality
Feb. 16th Jie Zhao Witten's Proof of Morse Inequality
Feb. 23rd Rui Wang A simpler proof of the generical existence of nondegenerate contact forms
Mar. 2nd Dongning Wang On orbifold fibered over a manifold
Mar 9th Erkao Bao Fredholm index in SFT.


Dongning Wang On orbifold fibered over manifold

As an analogue of fiber bundle over manifold, there is a definition of orbibundle over orbifold where the structure group of the total space is required to be the same as the base orbifold. This requirement can be removed and we will get a more general definition of orbibundle. In this talk, I will focus on a special case of the generalization: the base is a manifold. I call this case "orbifold fibered over manifold". A particular case of orbifold fibered over manifold where the base is a sphere will be use to definite orbifold Seidel representation. Seidel representation is a group morphism from [math]\displaystyle{ \pi_1(Ham(M,\omega)) }[/math] to the multiplication group of the quantum cohomology ring [math]\displaystyle{ QH^*(M,\omega) }[/math]. It can be used to compute quantum cohomology ring of Fano toric manifolds. Orbifold Seidel representation generalize the theory to orbifold case, and can be used to compute the orbifold quantum cohomology ring of a large class of Fano toric orbifolds. This is a joint work with Hsian-Hua Tseng.