TechTA page

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Revision as of 18:01, 27 January 2021 by Nagreen (talk | contribs)
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We have TAs who will function as Technical TAs.


During the Spring Semester 2021, they are

  • Erika Pirnes
  • Di Chen
  • Tianhong Huang

Each TechTA will either have office hours, or will have more flexible times where they are responsible for answering the TechTA email (

As of Spring 2021, those times are

  • Monday 10am-12pm: Tianhong Huang
  • Monday 1-230pm: Erika Pirnes
  • Tuesday 6:00pm-8:00pm: Di Chen
  • Wednesday 10am-12pm: Tianhong Huang
  • Thursday 6:00pm-8:00pm: Di Chen

Erika will have some flex hours to monitor the email during off times.

Sara Nagreen will also monitor the email when otherwise it is not monitored.

[Job Duties]

What sort of questions can a TechTA expect?

  • How does Zoom work?
  • Why doesn't my Zoom work the way I expect?
  • I am trying to do something in Canvas and it isn't working/I don't know how.