Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar Spring 2024

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When: 2:30PM - 4:00PM every Wednesday starting January 31st, 2024. Talks are for 30 minutes - 1 hour with extra time for questions.

Where: Van Vleck B325

Toby the OFFICIAL mascot of GAGS!!

Who: All undergraduate and graduate students interested in algebraic geometry, abstract algebra, commutative algebra, representation theory, and related fields are welcome to attend.

Why: The purpose of this seminar is to learn algebraic geometry and commutative algebra by giving and listening to talks in a informal setting. Sometimes people present an interesting paper they find. Other times people give a prep talk for the Algebraic Geometry Seminar. Other times people give a series of talks on a topic they have been studying in-depth. Regardless the goal of GAGS is to provide a supportive and inclusive place for all to learn more about algebraic geometry and commutative algebra.

How: If you want to get emails regarding time, place, and talk topics (which are often assigned quite last minute) add yourself to the gags mailing list: by sending an email to If you prefer (and are logged in under your wisc google account) the list registration page is here.

Enrollment in Math 941: The correct section to enroll for Math 941 is is with primary instructor being Dima Arinkin. If you are signed up for this section, you are expected to give a talk to get a grade.

Organizers: John Cobb, Kevin Dao, Yu (Joey) Luo.

Feedback Form for Organizers: The form is anonymous. You can find it here.

Give a talk!

We need volunteers to give talks this semester. Beginning graduate students, e.g. first and second year students, are particularly encouraged to give a talk, since it's a great way to get your feet wet with the material. If you would like some talk ideas, see the wish list below and then the look at the list on the main page. It is also expected that people enrolled in Math 941: Seminar in Algebra must give a talk to get credit. Sign up information TBD.


Choose one and you will have the rare guarantee of having one interested audience member. Feel free to add your own.

To be rebuilt. Tentative list of topics.

  • Schubert Calculus, aka how many lines intersect four given lines in three-dimensional space? The answer to this question is prettiest when you think about it as a problem of intersecting subvarieties in the Grassmanian. What is the Grassmanian, you say? That's probably a talk we should have every year, so you should give it!
  • Kindergarten GAGA. GAGA stands for Algebraic Geometry - Analytic Geometry. Serre wrote a famous paper explaining how the two are related, and you could give an exposition suitable to kindergartners.
  • The Katz and Mazur explanation of what a modular form is. What is it?
  • Moduli of curves for kindergartners.
  • What is a dualizing sheaf? What is a dualizing complex? What is Serre duality? What is local duality? Can local duality help us understand Serre duality?
  • Generalizations of Riemann - Roch. (Grothendieck - Riemann - Roch? Hirzebruch - Riemann - Roch?)
  • Hodge Theory for the working algebraic geometer.
  • What is a Néron model?
  • What is a crystal? What does it have to do with D-modules? Here's an encouragingly short set of notes on it.
  • What is a dessin d'enfants and why should people care?
  • DG-Schemes

Being an audience member

The goal of GAGS is to create a safe and comfortable space inclusive of all who wish to expand their knowledge of abstract algebra, algebraic geometry, representation theory, and commutative algebra. In order to promote such an environment in addition to the standard expectations of respect/kindness all participants are asked to following the following guidelines:

  • Do not speak for/over the speaker
  • Ask questions appropriately


Date Speaker Title Abstract
01-31-2024 Kevin Dao Setting up GAGS + Mini Talk Discussion about GAGS expectations + getting list of speakers. Also a mini-talk is planned and aimed towards students with one semester of algebraic geometry under their belt.
02-07-2024 Boyana Martinova
02-14-2024 Caitlin Davis Introduction to the Rational Normal Curve The rational normal curve is an important example of many nice algebraic and geometric properties. I will discuss some of these properties, focusing on small concrete examples. This talk will aim to be accessible to grad students who have taken a semester or two of abstract algebra, and will not assume much (if any) algebraic geometry background.
02-21-2024 Jack Messina Introducing Nonabelian Hodge Theory
02-28-2024 Yiyu Wang
03-06-2024 Alex Mine
03-13-2024 Yaoxian Yang
03-20-2024 Jacob Wood

Past Semesters

Fall 2023 Spring 2023

Fall 2022 Spring 2022

Fall 2021 Spring 2021

Fall 2020 Spring 2020

Fall 2019 Spring 2019

Fall 2018 Spring 2018

Fall 2017 Spring 2017

Fall 2016 Spring 2016

Fall 2015