Fall 2024 Analysis Seminar

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Organizers: Shengwen Gan, Terry Harris and Andreas Seeger


  • Shengwen Gan: sgan7 at math dot wisc dot edu
  • Terry Harris: tlharris4 at math dot wisc dot edu
  • Andreas Seeger: seeger at math dot wisc dot edu

Time and Room: Wed 3:30--4:30 Van Vleck B119.

In some cases the seminar may be scheduled at different time to accommodate speakers.

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Links to previous seminars

Link to Spring 2025 Analysis Seminar

Date Speaker Institution Title Host(s) Notes (e.g. unusual room/day/time)
We, 9-11 Gevorg Mnatsakanyan UW Madison Almost everywhere convergence of the Malmquist Takenaka series
We, 9-18 Lars Niedorf UW Madison Restriction type estimates and spectral multipliers on Métivier groups
Th, 9-26, 2:25-3:25, VV B215 Niclas Technau University of Bonn Rational points on/near homogeneous hyper-surfaces Andreas Note changes of time/date/room, joint with Number Theory Seminar
We, 10-2 Sergey Denisov UW Madison Applications of inverse spectral theory for canonical systems to NLS.
We, 10-9 Shukun Wu Indiana University On almost everywhere convergence of planar Bochner Riesz means Shengwen
We, 10-16 Nathan Wagner Brown University Andreas
We, 10-23 Betsy Stovall UW Madison
We, 10-30 Burak Hatinoglu Michigan State University Alexei
We, 11-6 Bingyuan Liu University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Xianghong
We, 11-13 Maxim Yattselev Indiana University (Indianapolis) Sergey
We, 11-20 Li Ji Macquarie University Brian
We, 11-27 No seminar
We, 12-4 Dallas Albritton UW Madison Andreas
We, 12-11


Gevorg Mnatsakanyan

Title: Almost everywhere convergence of the Malmquist Takenaka series

Link to Abstract: [1]

Lars Niedorf

Title: Restriction type estimates and spectral multipliers on Métivier groups

Abstract: We present a restriction type estimate for sub-Laplacians on arbitrary two-step stratified Lie groups. Although weaker than previously known estimates for the subclass of Heisenberg type groups, these estimates turn out to be sufficient to prove an Lp-spectral multiplier theorem with sharp regularity condition s > d|1/p-1/2| for sub-Laplacians on Métivier groups.

Niclas Technau

Title: Rational points on/near homogeneous hyper-surfaces

Abstract: How many rational points are on/near a compact hyper-surface? This question is related to Serre's Dimension Growth Conjecture. We survey the state of the art, and explain a standard random model. Furthermore, we report on recent joint work with Rajula Srivastava (Uni/MPIM Bonn). Our arguments are rooted in Fourier analysis and, in particular, clarify the role of curvature in the random model.

Sergey Denisov

Title: Applications of inverse spectral theory for canonical systems to NLS.

Abstract: For nice initial data, NLS can be integrated using the inverse scattering theory for the Dirac equation on the line. We will discuss the connection of the Dirac equation to canonical systems and use the recent characterization of the Szegő class of measures on the real line to obtain a new semi-conserved quantity for the NLS. The bounds for the negative Sobolev norms will be presented as an application for the L2 NLS solutions (based on joint work with Roman Bessonov).