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Jan 30
L-values and the Mahler measures of polynomials |
Xuejun Guo (Nanjing University) |
When the zero locus of a tempered polynomial f(x,y) defines an elliptic curve E, the value L(E,2) is related to the Mahler measure of f(x,y). In this talk, we will explore explicit identities that connect these L-values with Mahler measures for several families of polynomials. |
Feb 6
The Geometry and Combinatorics of Matrix Points on Curves |
Yifan Wei (UW-Madison) |
The study of matrix points on curves was initiated by Yifeng Huang in his consideration of Cohen-Lenstra series, which captures the groupoid point-counts of the number of commuting matrices solutions to the defining equation of a curve. In our recent work, we incorporated ideas from geometric representation theory to study the rational cohomology ring of the space of matrix solutions. This new work refines previous results on point-counts, and leads to interesting directions in algebraic combinatorics. |
Feb 13
A new proof of the arithmetic Siegel-Weil formula |
Joey Yu Luo (UW-Madison) |
The arithmetic Siegel-Weil formula establishes a profound connection between intersection numbers in Shimura varieties and the Fourier coefficients of central derivatives of Eisenstein series. This result was proven by C. Li and W. Zhang in 2021 using local methods. In this talk, I will present a new proof of the formula that uses the local-global compatibility and the modularity of generating series of special divisors. |
Feb 20
(A)FL at infinity and generating series of arithmetic CM cycles |
Tonghai Yang (UW-Madison) |
In this talk, we propose a FL and AFL at the real place with a proof of FL (if time permits). We also define a generating series of arithmetic CM cycles indexed by integer and conjecture it to be modular. Finally, we explain the connection between the two. This is a preliminary report of my joint work with Andreas Mihatsch and Siddarth Sankaran. |
Feb 27
Mar 6
Mar 13
Mar 20
Mar 27
Apr 3
Apr 10
Apr 17
Apr 24
May 1
May 8