Main Page/Reading Seminar Stacks (2025)

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Logistics: TBD

Tentative schedule

date speaker title topics
Hairuo Grothendieck Topologies / Sites Introduction to Grothendieck Toplogies /sites. More information can be found in Notes on a Seminar by Michael Artin. If one wishes to presert more on the \'etale site, Milne's Lecture Notes has far more details.
Fibred Categories
Descent and Stack Conditions
Algebraic Spaces Part 1
Algebraic Spaces Part 2
Algebraic Spaces Part 3
Algebraic Stacks
Expedition: Quot Scheme and Hilbert Scheme
Quasicoherent Sheaves on Algebraic Stacks
Coarse Moduli Spaces and Moduli of Curves
Local Structure of Algebraic Stacks
Coarse Moduli Spaces and Geometric Invariant Theory
Future Potential Topics Bun_G (perhaps following Sorger), Artin Algebraization, Formal Moduli, etc. We'll figure it out when we get there.


  1. Martin Olsson's Algebraic Spaces and Stacks
  2. Laumon-Moret-Bailly Champs Algebriques
  3. Alper's Stacks and Moduli