NTS Spring 2012/Abstracts
February 2
Evan Dummit (Madison) |
Title: Kakeya sets over non-archimedean local rings |
Abstract: In a forthcoming paper with Marci Habliscek, we constructed a Kakeya set over the formal power series ring Fq[[t ]], answering a question posed by Ellenberg, Oberlin, and Tao. My talk will be devoted to explaining some of the older history of the Kakeya problem in analysis and the newer history of the Kakeya problem in combinatorics, including my joint work with Marci. In particular, I will give Dvir's solution of the Kakeya problem over finite fields, and explain the problem's extension to other classes of rings. |
Evan Dummit (Madison) |
Title: Kakeya sets over non-archimedean local rings |
Abstract: In a forthcoming paper with Marci Habliscek, we constructed a Kakeya set over the formal power series ring Fq[[t ]], answering a question posed by Ellenberg, Oberlin, and Tao. My talk will be devoted to explaining some of the older history of the Kakeya problem in analysis and the newer history of the Kakeya problem in combinatorics, including my joint work with Marci. In particular, I will give Dvir's solution of the Kakeya problem over finite fields, and explain the problem's extension to other classes of rings. |
March 29
David P. Roberts (U. Minnesota Morris) |
Title: tba |
Abstract: tba |
April 12
Chenyan Wu (Minnesota) |
Title: tba |
Abstract: tba |
April 19
Robert Guralnick (U. Southern California) |
Title: tba |
Abstract: tba |
April 26
Frank Thorne (U. South Carolina) |
Title: tba |
Abstract: tba |
May 3
Alina Cojocaru (U. Illinois at Chicago) |
Title: tba |
Abstract: tba |
May 10
Samit Dasgupta (UC Santa Cruz) |
Title: tba |
Abstract: tba |
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