The Receptionist is in charge of handing out office supplies and directing you to the person you are looking for.
Note: Beginning in Fall 2012 the reception desk will be staffed by our student workers, hours TBD.
The Receptionist has the regular office supplies that you might need, please see them to obtain such as pens, paper, paperclips etc...
If you would like special office supplies, you must arrange with Sharon Paulson how to order them and how to pay for them.
Contact Information
Please be sure that the Receptionist has your current address and home/cell phone number. At the beginning of each semester, fill out a schedule card including classes and office hours. Also, advise the Receptionist when you are going to be away from Madison for any length of time.
Department Telephone
Please see that people who are likely to call you have your number, so that calls go directly to you and do not have to go through the Receptionist. The Receptionist should not be considered the department's telephone switchboard. If you expect a significant number of phone calls while you are not in your office, you may wish to consider purchasing an answering machine.