Graduate Student Singularity Theory

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It is a weekly seminar by graduate students. Anyone is welcome. If you would like to present a topic, please contact Tommy Wong. Most of the seminars are at Wednesdays 3:00pm in room 901. Please check below for unusual time and location.

Spring 2013

date speaker title
Feb. 6 (Wed) Jeff Poskin Toric Varieties III
Feb.13 (Wed) ? ?
Feb.20 (Wed) ? ?

Fall 2012

date speaker title
Sept. 18 (Tue) KaiHo Wong Organization and Milnor fibration and Milnor Fiber
Sept. 25 (Tue) KaiHo Wong Algebraic links and exotic spheres
Oct. 4 (Thu) Yun Su (Suky) Alexander polynomial of complex algebraic curve (Note the different day but same time and location)
Oct. 11 (Thu) Yongqiang Liu Sheaves and Hypercohomology
Oct. 18 (Thu) Jeff Poskin Toric Varieties II
Nov. 1 (Thu) Yongqiang Liu Mixed Hodge Structure
Nov. 15 (Thu) KaiHo Wong Euler characteristics of hypersurfaces with isolated singularities
Nov. 29 (Thu) Markus Banagl, University of Heidelberg High-Dimensional Topological Field Theory, Automata Theory, and Exotic spheres


Thu, 10/4: Suky

Alexander polynomial of complex algebraic curve

I will extend the definition of Alexander polynomial in knot theory to an complex algebraic curve. From the definition, it is clear that Alexander polynomial is an topological invariant for curves. I will explain how the topology of a curve control its Alexander polynomial, in terms of the factors. Calculations of some examples will be provided.