Past Probability Seminars Spring 2020
Fall 2014
Thursdays in 901 Van Vleck Hall at 2:25 PM, unless otherwise noted.
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Thursday, September 11, Van Vleck B105, Melanie Matchett Wood, UW-Madison
Please note the non-standard room.
Title: 'The distribution of sandpile groups of random graphs'
The sandpile group is an abelian group associated to a graph, given as
the cokernel of the graph Laplacian. An Erd˝os–R´enyi random graph
then gives some distribution of random abelian groups. We will give
an introduction to various models of random finite abelian groups
arising in number theory and the connections to the distribution
conjectured by Payne et. al. for sandpile groups. We will talk about
the moments of random finite abelian groups, and how in practice these
are often more accessible than the distributions themselves, but
frustratingly are not a priori guaranteed to determine the
distribution. In this case however, we have found the moments of the
sandpile groups of random graphs, and proved they determine the
measure, and have proven Payne's conjecture.
Thursday, September 18, Jonathon Peterson, Purdue University
Title: TBA
Thursday, September 25, Sean O'Rourke, University of Colorado Boulder
Title: TBA
Thursday, October 2, Jun Yin, UW-Madison
Title: TBA
Thursday, October 9, No seminar due to Midwest Probability Colloquium
No seminar due to Midwest Probability Colloquium.
Thursday, October 16, TBA
Title: TBA
Thursday, November 6, Vadim Gorin, MIT
Title: TBA
Friday, November 7, Tim Chumley, Iowa State University
Title: TBA
Thursday, November 13, TBA
Title: TBA