Former Members

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  Franc Forstnerič
at UW in 1990-2000
University of Ljubljana
Franc.Forstneric at
  Michael Greenblatt
Visiting Assistant Professor at UW in Spring 2002
University of Illinois - Chicago
mg62 at
  Sanghyuk Lee
Van Vleck Assistant Professor at UW in 2004-2005
Seoul National University
shlee at
  Ákos Magyar
Van Vleck Assistant Professor at UW in 1998-2001
University of British Columbia
magyar (at) math (dot) ubc (dot) ca
  Han Peters
Van Vleck Assistant Professor at UW in 2005-2008
Universiteit van Amsterdam
SUNY Stony Brook
peters at
  Malabika Pramanik
Van Vleck Assistant Professor at UW in 2001-2004
University of British Columbia

malabika at
  Roman Shterenberg
Van Vleck Assistant Professor at UW in 2005-2007
University of Alabama at Birmingham
shterenb at