Spring 2012 Symplectic Geometry Seminar

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Wednesday 2:15pm-4:30pm VV B139

  • If you would like to talk in the seminar but have difficulty with adding information here, please contact Dongning Wang

date speaker title host(s)
Feb. 8th Lino Title
Feb. 15th Kaileung Chan Title
Feb. 22st Chit Ma Title
Feb. 29th Dongning Wang Seidel elements and mirror transformations
March. 7th Jie Zhao Title
March. 14th Peng Zhou Title
March. 21th Jae-ho Lee Title
March. 28th Dongning Wang Proof of the Triviality Axiom and Composition Axiom of Seidel Representation
April. 11th Cheol-Hyun Cho Title
April. 18th Louis Lau Title
April. 25th Erkao Bao On the Fukaya categories of higher genus surfaces.


Dongning Wang Seidel elements and mirror transformations


I will talk about the following paper by Eduardo Gonzalez, Hiroshi Iritani:

Seidel elements and mirror transformations


Dongning Wang "Proof of the Triviality Axiom and Composition Axiom of Seidel Representation"


I will briefly review the definition of Seidel representation, then introduce parametrized group action, Kuranishi structure, equivariant Kuranishi structure and parametrized equivariant Kuranishi structure, and use these to prove the triviality axiom of Seidel representation. To prove the composition axiom, I will construct a Lefschetz fibration, then consider then moduli spaces this space and their Kuranishi structures. Finally, if time permitted, I will mention the extra ingredients needed for orbifold Seidel representation.

Erkao Bao On the Fukaya categories of higher genus surfaces

I will present Abouzaid's paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0606598. In this paper he proved that the Grothendieck group of the derived Fukaya category of a surface [math]\displaystyle{ \Sigma }[/math] with Euler characteristic [math]\displaystyle{ \chi (\Sigma)\lt 0 }[/math] is isomorphic to [math]\displaystyle{ H_1(\Sigma,\mathbb{Z})\oplus {\mathbb{Z}/ \chi (\Sigma) \mathbb{Z}} \oplus \mathbb{R} }[/math].

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