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| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |9/24
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |9/24
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Chenghuang Chen
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Chenghuang Chen
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#9/24|Exponential Sums in Analytic Number Theory]]
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/1
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/1
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://people.math.wisc.edu/~norizuki/ Eiki Norizuki]
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://people.math.wisc.edu/~norizuki/ Eiki Norizuki]
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#10/1|Hodge Numbers of Birational Calabi-Yau Manifolds]]
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/8
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/8
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Yihan Gu
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Yihan Gu
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#10/8|Surjectivity of l-adic Galois representations]]
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/15
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/15
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://sites.google.com/view/jiaqihou/home Jiaqi Hou]
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://sites.google.com/view/jiaqihou/home Jiaqi Hou]
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#10/15|Residue symbols and Gauss sums]]
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/22
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/22
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://people.math.wisc.edu/~cnunn/ Caroline Nunn]
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://people.math.wisc.edu/~cnunn/ Caroline Nunn]
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#10/22|Why is j((1+√-163)/2) a rational number?]]
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/29
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |10/29
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://people.math.wisc.edu/~wei78/ Yifan Wei]
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://people.math.wisc.edu/~wei78/ Yifan Wei]
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#10/29|Matrix Point Counts on Curves]]
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |11/5
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |11/5
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Ryan Tamura  
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Ryan Tamura  
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#11/5|Orthogonal Shimura Varieties and Kudla's Modularity Conjecture]]
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |11/12
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |11/12
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Mohammadali Aligholi
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Mohammadali Aligholi
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#11/12|Arakelov Geometry]]
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |11/19
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |11/19
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://people.math.wisc.edu/~yluo237/ Joey Yu Luo]
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Special NTS
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |11/26
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |11/26
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Thanksgiving
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |No talk
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |12/3
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |12/3
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Ariel Davidovsky
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |Ariel Davidovsky
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#12/3|Binary n-ic Forms]]
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |12/10
| bgcolor="#D0D0D0" width="300" align="center" |12/10
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://sites.google.com/view/tbhatnagar/ Tejasi Bhatnagar]
| bgcolor="#F0A0A0" width="300" align="center" |[https://sites.google.com/view/tbhatnagar/ Tejasi Bhatnagar]
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE" width="300" align="center" |[[NTSGrad_Fall_2024/Abstracts#12/10|Elliptic curves, Hodge structures and the Mumford-Tate conjecture]]

Latest revision as of 01:41, 4 December 2024

Graduate Student Number Theory / Representation Theory Seminar, University of Wisconsin – Madison

  • When: Tuesdays, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
  • Where: Van Vleck Hall, B235

The purpose of this seminar is to have a talk on each Tuesday by a graduate student to help orient ourselves for the Number Theory Seminar talk on the following Thursday. These talks are generally aimed at beginning graduate students, and sometimes try to explain some of the background, terminology, and ideas for the Thursday talk.

Fall2024 Semester: Schedule

Date Speaker (click for homepage) Title (click for abstract)
9/10 Ivan Aidun Rational Points on Curves, an Introduction to  Arithmetic Geometry
9/17 Amin Idelhaj Random Walk on Groups
9/24 Chenghuang Chen Exponential Sums in Analytic Number Theory
10/1 Eiki Norizuki Hodge Numbers of Birational Calabi-Yau Manifolds
10/8 Yihan Gu Surjectivity of l-adic Galois representations
10/15 Jiaqi Hou Residue symbols and Gauss sums
10/22 Caroline Nunn Why is j((1+√-163)/2) a rational number?
10/29 Yifan Wei Matrix Point Counts on Curves
11/5 Ryan Tamura Orthogonal Shimura Varieties and Kudla's Modularity Conjecture
11/12 Mohammadali Aligholi Arakelov Geometry
11/19 Special NTS
11/26 No talk
12/3 Ariel Davidovsky Binary n-ic Forms
12/10 Tejasi Bhatnagar Elliptic curves, Hodge structures and the Mumford-Tate conjecture


Tejasi Bhatnagar (tbhatnagar2@wisc.edu)

Jiaqi Hou (jhou39@wisc.edu)

Former Organizers

Hyun Jong Kim

John Yin

Jerry Yu Fu

Brandon Boggess

Soumya Sankar

Brandon Alberts

Megan Maguire

Ryan Julian

Other Graduate NTS Pages

The seminar webpage for Spring 2024 is here.
The seminar webpage for Fall 2023 is here.
The seminar webpage for Spring 2023 is here.
The seminar webpage for Fall 2022 is here.
The seminar webpage for Spring 2022 is here.
The seminar webpage for Fall 2021 is here.
The seminar webpage for Spring 2021 is here.
The seminar webpage for Fall 2020 is here.
The seminar webpage for Spring 2020 is here.
The seminar webpage for Fall 2019 is here.
The seminar webpage for Spring 2019 is here.
The seminar webpage for Fall 2018 is here.
The seminar webpage for Spring 2018 is here.
The seminar webpage for Fall 2017 is here.
The seminar webpage for Spring 2017 is here.
The seminar webpage for Fall 2016 is here
The seminar webpage for Spring 2016 is here
The seminar webpage for Fall 2015, is here.

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