AMS Student Chapter Seminar
The AMS Student Chapter Seminar is an informal, graduate student-run seminar on a wide range of mathematical topics. Pastries (usually donuts) will be provided.
- When: Wednesdays, 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
- Where: Van Vleck, 9th floor lounge (unless otherwise announced)
- Organizers: Daniel Hast, Ryan Julian, Cullen McDonald, Zachary Charles
Everyone is welcome to give a talk. To sign up, please contact one of the organizers with a title and abstract. Talks are 30 minutes long and should avoid assuming significant mathematical background beyond first-year graduate courses.
The schedule of talks from past semesters can be found here.
Spring 2017
January 25, Brandon Alberts
Title: Ultraproducts - they aren't just for logicians
Abstract: If any of you have attended a logic talk (or one of Ivan's donut seminar talks) you may have learned about ultraproducts as a weird way to mash sets together to get bigger sets in a nice way. Something particularly useful to set theorists, but maybe not so obviously useful to the rest of us. I will give an accessible introduction to ultraproducts and motivate their use in other areas of mathematics.
February 1, Megan Maguire
Title: Hyperbolic crochet workshop
Abstract: TBA
February 8, Cullen McDonald
February 15, Paul Tveite
Title: Fun with Hamel Bases!
Abstract: If we view the real numbers as a vector field over the rationals, then of course they have a basis (assuming the AOC). This is called a Hamel basis and allows us to do some cool things. Among other things, we will define two periodic functions that sum to the identity function.
February 22, Wil Cocke
Title: Practical Graph Isomorphism
Abstract: Some graphs are different and some graphs are the same. Sometimes graphs differ only in name. When you give me a graph, you've picked an order. But, is it the same graph across every border?
March 1, Megan Maguire
Title: I stole this talk from Jordan.
Abstract: Stability is cool! And sometimes things we think don't have stability secretly do. This is an abridged version of a very cool talk I've seen Jordan give a couple times. All credit goes to him. Man, I should have stolen his abstract too.
March 7, Liban Mohamed
Title: Strichartz Estimates from Qualitative to Quantitative
Abstract: Strichartz estimates are inequalities that give one way understand the decay of solutions to dispersive PDEs. This talk is an attempt to reconcile the formal statements with physical intuition.
March 15, Zachary Charles
Title: Netflix Problem and Chill
Abstract: How are machine learning, matrix analysis, and Napoleon Dynamite related? Come find out!