NTS spring 2011

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Number Theory Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • When: Thursdays at 2:30pm, with the exception of May 2, which is on Monday at 4pm (see below).
  • Where: Van Vleck Hall B129
  • Please join the NTS mailing list:.

Spring 2011 Semester

Date Speaker Title (click to see abstract)
January 20 (Thurs.) Anton Geraschenko
(UC Berkeley)
Moduli of Representations of Unipotent Groups
January 27 (Thurs.)
Keerthi Madapusi
(University of Chicago)
A rationality property of Hodge cycles on abelian varieties, with an application to arithmetic compactifications of Shimura varieties
February 3 (Thurs.)
Bei Zhang
(Northwestern University)
p-adic L-function of automorphic form of GL(2)
February 10 (Thurs.)
David Brown
Explicit modular approaches to generalized Fermat equations
February 17 (Thurs.) Tony Várilly-Alvarado
Failure of the Hasse principle for Enriques surfaces
February 24 (Thurs.) Wei Ho
Coregular representations and elliptic curves
March 3 (Thurs.) Rob Rhoades
March 10 (Thurs.) Shamgar Gurevich
Fast Fourier Transform: Why? and How?
March 17 (Thurs.) No seminar (spring break)
March 24 (Thurs.) Chris Davis
UC Irvine
The Overconvergent de Rham-Witt Complex
March 31 (Thurs.) Andrew Obus
Cyclic Extensions and the Local Lifting Problem
April 7 (Thurs.) Bianca Viray
Descent on elliptic surfaces and transcendental Brauer element
April 14 (Thurs.) Bhargav Bhatt
(University of Michigan)
Integral structures on de Rham cohomology
April 21 (Thurs.) Rafe Jones
Galois theory of iterated quadratic rational functions
April 28 (Thurs.)
Liang Xiao (U. Chicago)
Computing log-characteristic cycles using ramification theory
May 2 (Monday, 4pm) Winnie Li,
Penn State U and NCTS
Modularity of Low Degree Scholl Representations
May 5 (Thurs) Rami Aizenbud,
Multiplicity One Theorems - a Uniform Proof

Organizer contact information

David Brown:

Bryden Cais:

Also of interest is the Grad student seminar which meets on Tuesdays.
The Fall 2010 NTS page has moved here.

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