Graduate Logic Seminar

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The Graduate Logic Seminar is an informal space where graduate students and professors present topics related to logic which are not necessarily original or completed work. This is a space focused principally on practicing presentation skills or learning materials that are not usually presented in a class.

The talk schedule is arranged at the beginning of each semester. If you would like to participate, please contact one of the organizers.

Sign up for the graduate logic seminar mailing list:

Fall 2023

The seminar will be run as a 1-credit seminar Math 975 in Fall 2023. If you are not enrolled but would like to audit it, please contact Uri Andrews and Hongyu Zhu.

While you are welcome (and encouraged) to present on a topic of your own choice, feel free to ask for help from faculties and/or other graduate students.

Presentation Schedule:

Zoom link for remote attendance: (Meeting ID: 961 6802 7763, Password: 975f23)

Possible readings:

  • (Elementary) Proof Theory: Chapters 4-7 of Aspects of Incompleteness by Per Lindström.
  • An invitation to model-theoretic Galois theory. On arxiv here.
  • Variations on the Feferman-Vaught Theorem On arxiv here.
  • Any of several papers on "Turing Computable Embeddings"
  • Computability/Model/Set Theory: Consult faculties/students for recommended texts on specific areas.

September 11 - Organizational Meeting

We will meet to assign speakers to dates.

September 18 - Taeyoung Em

Title: Explicit construction of non-quasidetermined game on [math]\displaystyle{ \mathcal P(2^{\mathbb N}) }[/math] without using A.C. (Supplement)

Abstract: We will go over briefly some basic information about trees and infinite games. Then we prove the Gale-Stewart Theorem. The proof of the theorem motivates definition of quasistrategy. Then we will briefly introduce Borel determinacy. We will go over how the usage of A.C. makes convenient for us to make a non-quasidetermined or undertermined game. We will give an explicit construction of a non-quasidetermined game on [math]\displaystyle{ \mathcal P(2^{\mathbb N}) }[/math] without using A.C.

September 25 - Karthik Ravishankar

Title: Spectra of structures

Abstract: One way to measure the complexity of a structure is via its spectrum - the set of Turing degrees of its copies. In this talk, we'll look at the definition and first properties of the spectrum followed by some examples. In particular, we'll show that the non-computable degrees and the hyperimmune degrees form a spectrum while the DNC degrees do not.

October 2 - Hongyu Zhu

Title: Continuum Hypothesis: On Platonism and Pluralism (Slides and Recording; Passcode: .iXJs?1t)

Abstract: Despite its independence from ZFC, the continuum hypothesis continues to be of interest to logicians. In this talk, we will see arguments for settling the truth of CH in one way or another (or yet another). We will see how mathematical arguments (the inner model program) are intertwined with philosophical beliefs (mathematical Platonism and pluralism) about the set-theoretic universe(s).

October 9 - Hannah Ashbach

Title: An Introduction to Constructive Mathematics (Slides and Recording; Passcode: 5.$c5L+2)

Abstract: Have you ever written a mathematical proof and felt dissatisfied after writing QED? Perhaps you had proven the existence of a particularly complicated mathematical object, but you have no clue how that object may actually look or be constructed. Or perhaps you are ready to denounce the Axiom of Choice after reading about its far-reaching consequences. Constructive logic is a formal logic system that seeks to clear up these concerns for mathematicians, though not all mathematicians agree with the power it holds-- or takes away.

October 16 - Rune Chen

Title: An Introduction to Model-Theoretic Galois Theory

Abstract: Given an arbitrary first-order theory with elimination of imaginaries, the standard Galois theory can be translated into a model-theoretic version, which can be further generalized and thus be useful in other algebraic settings. In this talk, we will give a brief introduction to model-theoretic Galois theory and then look at a simple case of model-theoretic Galois correspondence. We will skip the detailed discussion of elimination of imaginaries by choosing our theory T to be a first-order theory coding finite sets and working in a large enough saturated model M of T.

October 23 - John Spoerl

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

October 30 - Chiara Travesset

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

November 6 - Antonio Nakid Cordero

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

November 13 - Alice Vidrine

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

November 20 - Logan Heath

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

November 27 - Thanksgiving Break

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

December 4 - Ang Li

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

December 11 - Mei Rose Connor

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Previous Years

The schedule of talks from past semesters can be found here.