Putnam Club
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Organizers: Dima Arinkin, Shamgar Gurevich, Cole Graham, Alexei Poltoratski
Join us on Wednesdays 5:00-6:30pm in room VV B123 for some challenging questions, pizza and soda!!!
To complement the Putnam Exam in the fall, we have our own UW undergraduate math competition in April, with prizes for top participants. Details to follow!
Old Putnam exams and more information on the Putnam competition.
To sign up for Putnam club email announcements, please send an email to putnam-club+join@g-groups.wisc.edu (empty subject and body works).
January 29th | Problem potluck | Problems |
February 5th | Dima Arinkin | Complex numbers |
February 12th | Dima Arinkin | Two algebra (!) problems (my favorites) |
February 19th | Dima Arinkin | Let's look at Michigan Undergraduate Math competition |
February 26th | Continue working on problems from last time | |
March 5th | Alexei Poltoratski | TBA |
March 12th | Alexei Poltoratski | TBA