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Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar

Fall 2014 Semester

date speaker title host(s)
Sept. 12 Agisilaos Athanasoulis (Leicester) Semiclassical regularisation for ill-posed classical flows: microlocal coarse-graining beyond Wigner measures Shi Jin
Sept. 19 Dongbin Xiu (Utah) Uncertainty quantification algorithms for large-scale systems Shi Jin
Sept. 26 Stanislav Boldyrev (UW) TBA Saverio and David
Oct. 3 Erik Bollt (Clarkson) TBA Jean-Luc
Wed. Oct. 8 Mohammad Motamed (New Mexico) Uncertainty quantification for wave propagation problems, analysis and computation Shi Jin
Oct. 17 Roseanna Zia (Cornell) TBA Saverio
Oct. 24 (HG)
Oct. 31 Dan Hu (SJTU) Dan Hu (SJTU) Shi Jin
Nov. 7 Tim Chumley (Iowa State) TBA Saverio
Nov. 14 David Sondak (UW) TBA Saverio
Nov. 21 Mary Silber (Northwestern) TBA Saverio, Marko
Nov. 28 Thanksgiving recess
Dec. 5 TBA

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